摘要: |
以20%PEG-6000作渗透介质,模拟干旱条件,芽期处理水稻籼爪重组自交系7天,测定处理后的胚根长、芽长、芽干重。以各性状相对值的耐旱级别而得出的耐旱总级别为指标,筛选出8个耐旱株系,它们可作为耐旱资源在育种和耐旱机理研究中应用。 |
关键词: 水稻 重组自交系 芽期 PEG胁迫 耐旱性 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945 |
Fund project: |
Drought tolerance of indica/javanica recombinant inbred line at germinating stage in rice |
FAN Qing-Lu1,2, GUO Jia-Yuan3, XIAO Guo-Ying1*
1.Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China;2.Graduate University of
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.Agricultural Bureau of Anhua County, Anhua 413500, China
Abstract: |
Drought tolerance of indinca/javanica recombinant inbred line(RIL)at germinating stage in rice by use of 20% PEG-6000 as water-stress agent were studied. The radicle length,shoot length and the dry weight of shoot were measured after the 20% PEG treatment for 7 days. The final class of drought tolerance,derived from the sum of the drought tolerance class of each trait,was used as index in assessing the drought tolerance of RIL.The results showed that eight lines are of drought tolerance among the 270 lines,which could be used as drought tolerance resources in rice breeding and research on mechanism of drought tolerance in rice. |
Key words: rice recombinant inbred line germinating stage PEG water-stress drought tolerance |