摘要: |
脂氧合酶(LOX)是植物十八碳酸途径中一个很重要的酶,该酶作用的产物在植物生长发育过程以及在植物对环境胁迫反应中起着重要作用。首次建立了萝藦科植物乳突果苗的培养体系,并用仿真菌环境(几丁质)对乳突果组培苗进行刺激诱导,通过LC-ESI-MS检测脂氧合酶反应的产物。粗酶活性鉴定结果显示,经150 mg/L几丁质诱导9 h的乳突果组培苗产生了9-LOX,该酶可催化亚油酸生成9,10,11-三羟基-12-十八碳烯酸。推测在乳突果组培苗中,几丁质诱导的十八碳酸代谢途径沿着9-LOX方向进行。 |
关键词: 乳突果 脂氧合酶 十八碳酸途径 几丁质 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q946 |
Fund project: |
Tissue culture of Adelostemma gracillimum seedlings and the inducement of lipoxygenase |
MA Chang-Le1, LI Jing1, ZHAO Pei-Ji2*
1.Southwest Forestry College, Kunming 650224, China;2.Kunming Institute of
Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China
Abstract: |
Lipoxygenases are important enzymes in plant octadecanoic acid pathway. Products of this enzyme have important functions in plant growth and development,as well as in response to environmental stress. Culture system of Adelostemma gracillimum was the first time to be constructed in Asclepiadaceae. Chitosan was used in the inducement experiment on A.gracillimum seedlings and the products of LOX were detected through LC-ESI-MS. The results showed that A.gracillimum seedlings induced by 150 mg/L chitosan for 9 h produced 9-LOX and the enzyme can catalyze linoleic acid to 9,10,11-trihydroxy-12-octadecenoic acid. It was speculated that octadecanoic acid pathway induced by chitosan differentiated to 9-LOX orientation. |
Key words: Adelostemma gracillimum lipoxygenase octadecanoic acid pathway chitosan |