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罗汉果叶片挥发性成分与访花昆虫: 雌雄株差异及其生态影响 |
朱晓珍1,2, 卢清彪1,2, 胡兴华2*, 邓 涛2, 段云博2, 方振名1,2, 黄仕训2
1. 广西师范大学 珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室, 广西师范大学 生命科学学院,
广西 桂林 541006;2. 广西壮族自治区
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西 桂林 541006
摘要: |
为探究罗汉果(Siraitia grosvenorii)自然授粉不良的形成原因,该文以罗汉果品种“大地二号”的种苗为材料,采用定点定时方法调查罗汉果雌雄株访花昆虫,同时利用GC-MS对雌雄株叶片的挥发性成分进行比较分析。结果表明:在雄株上观察到访花昆虫102种,分属于8目29科,其中包括蜜蜂科、眼蝶科、夜蛾科和天蛾科等传粉昆虫类群; 在雌株上观察到访花昆虫69种,分属于7目16科,但未观察到上述传粉昆虫类群。雄株访花昆虫的物种丰富度、多度和Shannon-Wiener多样性均显著高于雌株(P<0.05),Jaccard相似性分析显示,雌株和雄株访花昆虫达到中等不相似水平。在雄株叶片中鉴定出挥发性成分17种,优势成分为萜烯类化合物,占总含量的67.31%; 在雌株叶片中鉴定出挥发性成分12种,优势成分为烷烃类化合物,占总含量的44.27%。雄株具有较多特有成分,包括7种萜烯类和3种酯类成分,占总体成分的45.45%; 雌株的特有成分较少,包括4种烷烃类和1种酯类成分,占总体成分种类的22.72%。Jaccard相似性分析显示,雌株和雄株的挥发性成分总体上达到中等不相似水平,其中萜烯类和酯类的相似度更低,达到极不相似水平。进一步分析表明,在罗汉果雌雄株之间,由于挥发性化合物在优势成分上的重要差异,以及特有成分的大量存在,可能导致了它们访花昆虫类群的显著差异,进而影响了罗汉果的自然传粉过程。 |
关键词: 罗汉果, 挥发性成分, 访花昆虫, 雌雄异株, 植物昆虫互作 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201905014 |
分类号:Q948.12 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2020)09-1259-10 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31560068); 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目; 广西科学院基本科研业务费项目(2017YJJ23008)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31560068); West Light Program for Talent Cultivation of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Fundamental Research Foundation of Guangxi Academy of Sciences(2017YJJ23008)]。 |
Leaf volatile components and foraging insects of dioecious Siraitia grosvenorii: Sexual differences and its ecological effects |
ZHU Xiaozhen1,2, LU Qingbiao1,2, HU Xinghua2*, DENG Tao2,
DUAN Yunbo2, FANG Zhenming1,2, HUANG Shixun2
1. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection, Ministry of Education Guangxi Normal
University, College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China;2. Guangxi Institute of Botany,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
Siraitia grosvenorii is an economically important plant due to the edible and medicinal value in Guangxi of China. However, severe pollination limitation has been found in the cultivated variety individuals of this plant, and consequently leads to a sharp rise of cultivation cost because of the highly depending on hand pollination. In order to explore the mechanisms of pollination limitation existed in S. grosvenorii, we compared the community of foraging insects and also the leaf volatiles of the male and female individuals of S. grosvenorii. Field investigations were conducted to observe the foraging insects of male and female S. grosvenorii. The volatile components of the leaves of male and female S. grosvenii were analyzed by headspace solid-phase-microextraction-GC/MS. The results were as follows: A total of 102 species of foraging insects were observed in male S. grosvenorii, belonging to 8 orders and to 29 families, including pollinators such as Apidae, Satyridae, Noctuidae and Sphingidae. There were 69 species of foraging insects observed in the female S. grosvenorii, which belonging to 7 orders and to 16 families, but the pollinators mentioned above were not found. The species richness, abundance and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of the foraging insects on the male S. grosvenorii were significantly higher than the female(P<0.05). The Jaccard's similarity index showed that the foraging insects on the female and male S. grosvenorii were at a medium dissimilarity level. Seventeen volatile components were identified from leaf of male S. grosvenorii, the main component are terpenes, accounting for 67.31% of the total content. And 12 volatile components were identified from the leaf of female S. grosvenorii, and the main components of which were alkane compounds, accounting for 44.27% of the total content. Male plants had many unique volatile components, including seven terpenes and three esters, accounting for 45.45% of the volatile components of S. grosvenorii. The female plants had fewer unique volatile components, including only four kinds of alkanes and one ester, accounting for 22.72% of the volatile components of the female of S. grosvenorii. Jaccard's index of similarity showed that the volatile components of female and male were generally moderately dissimilar, and the similarity of terpenes and esters was lower, which was extremely dissimilar. Further analysis indicates that the differences in the main components and the existence of unique components in leaf volatile components of male and female individuals may lead to significant differences in their foraging insects, and then affect the natural pollination of S. grosvenorii. |
Key words: Siraitia grosvenorii, leaf volatile components, foraging insects, dioecious, plant-insect interactions |