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紫茎泽兰对三种岩溶地区木本植物种子萌发的化感作用 |
贾海江1, 李先琨2*, 唐赛春2, 唐绍清1*, 吕仕洪2, 许新丽1
1.广西师范大学 生命科学学院, 广西 桂林 541004;2. 广西壮族自治区
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西 桂林 541006
摘要: |
采用生物测定法研究了紫茎泽兰叶和根水浸提液对任豆、香椿和龙须藤等三种岩溶木本植物种子萌发的化感作用。结果表明,除最低浓度(0.0125 g/mL)外,其它浓度的叶浸提液均能显著抑制香椿种子的萌发及幼苗生长,浓度越高抑制作用越大; 对任豆和龙须藤种子萌发也有一定的化感作用,但抑制作用相对较弱,有时为促进作用。紫茎泽兰叶浸提液对受试植物的化感作用强于根水浸提液。 |
关键词: 紫茎泽兰 化感作用 种子萌发 幼苗生长 木本植物 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945.7 |
Fund project: |
Allelopathic effects of Eupatorium adenophorum onseed germination of three woody plants in karst region |
JIA Hai-Jiang1, LI Xian-Kun2*, TNAG Sai-Chun2,
TANG Shao-Qing1*, Lü Shi-Hong2, XU Xin-Li1
1.College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China;2.Guangxi Institute of Botany,
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China
Abstract: |
The allelopathy of aqueous extract from leaves and roots of Eupatorium adenophorum on seed germination and growth of 3 native plant seedlings in karst area was determined with bioassay method. The results showed,except for the lowest concentration(0.0125 g/mL),the aqueous extract from leaves and roots of E.adenophorum could significantly inhibit the rate and speed of seed germination and growth of seedlings of Toona sinensis,and the higher of the concentration,the better effect of the inhibition. The aqueous extract also had effects of inhibition on rate and speed of seed germination and growth of seedlings of Zenia insignis and Bauhunia championii,but the effects were relatively weak,even sometimes were positive impacts. Otherwise,the allelopathy of aqueous extract from leaves of E.adenophorum were stronger than that from roots. |
Key words: Eupatorium adenophorum allelopathy seed germination seedling growth woody plant |