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镉超积累植物及植物镉积累特性转基因改良研究进展 |
蔡利娟1,2, 范仲学1*, 全先庆1, 张延新1, 杜瑞雪1
1.山东省农业科学院 高新技术研究中心, 山东省作物与畜禽品种改良生物技术重点
实验室, 济南 250100;2.青岛农业大学 生命科学学院, 山东 青岛 266109
摘要: |
植物提取修复技术是一项既经济又环保的土壤镉(Cd)污染修复技术,该技术的关键是筛选Cd超积累植物或利用基因工程手段改良植物以提高其Cd积累能力。人们已发现遏兰菜等7种Cd超积累植物及美人蕉等潜在的Cd超积累植物。还发现了许多与Cd耐受和积累能力有关的基因:(1)编码与Cd积累、耐受有关酶的基因,如细菌中的ACC(1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid),植物中的PCS(Phytochelatin Synthase)基因;(2)编码金属结合蛋白的基因:MT(Metallothionein)、转运蛋白(P-type ATPase、ABC型转运器)基因;(3)其它相关基因:Hvhsp17、PvSR2(Phaseolus vulgaris stress-related gene number 2)等。并将其中的一些基因转入到其它生物中,提高了其对Cd的耐受性和积累量,为实现Cd污染土壤修复的目标奠定基础。 |
关键词: 镉污染 镉超积累植物 转基因植物 金属硫蛋白 转运蛋白 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945.78 |
Fund project: |
Advances on screening of Cd-hyperaccumulators and transgenic improvement of plant in Cd-accumulation |
CAI Li-Juan1,2, FAN Zhong-Xue1*, QUAN Xian-Qing1,
ZHANG Yan-Xin1, DU Rui-Xue1
1.High-tech Research Center, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Key Laboratory for Genetic
Improvement of Crop, Animal and Poultry of Shandong Province, Jinan, 250100, China;2.College of Life Science, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China
Abstract: |
Phytoextraction is an economic and environment-protected remediation technique of Cd-contaminated soils. The key is to screen Cd-hyperaccumulators or enhance the ability of Cd-accumulation by genetic engineering. Seven Cd-hyperaccumulators and some potential Cd-hyperaccumulators have been discovered. In addition,genes related with Cd accumulation in different organisms were studied. These genes included:(1)genes encoding Cd accumulation related enzymes,such as ACC of bacterial,PC synthase of plants;(2)genes encoding metal-chelatin,such as MT(Metallothionein),transport protein;(3)other genes,such as Hvhsp17,PvSR2(Phaseolus vulgaris stress-related gene number2). Some of these genes have been transformed to plants and microorganisms to enhance their cadmium tolerance and accumulation,which provides a new way for realizing the aim of remediation of Cd-contaminated soils. |
Key words: Cd-contamination Cd-hyperaccumulator transgenic plant metallothionein(MT) transport protein |