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神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物区系特征及食物资源研究 |
铁 军1,2, 张 晶1, 彭林鹏3, 廖明尧3, 杨林森3, 张志翔1,4*
1.北京林业大学 生物科学与技术学院, 北京 100083;2.长治学院 生化系, 山西 长治 046011;3.湖北神农架
自然保护区管理局, 湖北 神农架 442421;4.国家林业局自然保护区研究与评价中心, 北京 100083
摘要: |
2008年春季我国南方特大冰雪灾害,给受灾林区的森林生态系统及野生动物造成了巨大影响。神农架是川金丝猴分布的最东端,也是重灾区之一。该文基于灾前两年的实地调查资料,对神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物区系进行分析,以期为灾后生物多样性的检测评估及川金丝猴栖息地恢复建设提供依据。实地调查发现,川金丝猴栖息地内木本植物共有255种,隶属44科105属,其中乔木23科51属129种,灌木22科49属113种,木质藤本7科9属13种; 据统计在栖息地内共有31科58属85种川金丝猴的食源植物。该区植物区系中温带分布性质的属占优势,有58个,占属数的56.30%; 热带分布性质的属有22个,东亚和中国特有分布成分共有23个属,分别占属数的21.36%和22.33%; 显示了该区地处亚热带与温带的过度性质。还统计了栖息地食源植物区系谱,分析了该区域食源植物特点。 |
关键词: 栖息地 植物区系 地理成分 食物资源 川金丝猴 神农架 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948.5 |
Fund project: |
Plant flora characteristics and food resources of Rhinopithecus roxellana habitats in Shennongjia, China |
TIE Jun1,2, ZHANG Jing1, PENG Lin-Peng3, LIAO Ming-Yao3,
YANG Lin-Sen3, ZHANG Zhi-Xiang1,4*
1.College of Biological Sciences and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;2.Department
of Biology and Chemistry, Changzhi College, Changzhi 046011, China;3.Management Bureau of Hubei
Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, Shennongjia 442421, China;4.Nature Reserve Research and
Assessment Center, State Forestry Administration of China, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: |
In the spring of 2008,the heaviest snow and ice disasters in south China had a tremendous influence on the forest ecosystem and wild animals in afflicted forest area. Shennongjia was also one of the heavy disaster areas as the most eastern of Rhinopithecus roxellana distributing. Based on the former 2 years' field survey data,the plant flora in Rh.roxellana habitats at Shennongjia was analyzed to provide evidence for the biodiversity evaluation after disaster and recovery construction of Rh.roxellana habitats. The field survey found that there are 255 woody plants belonging 44 families 105 genera,which contain arbor 23 families 51 genera 129 species,shrub 22 families 49 genera 113 species and woody climber 7 families 9 genera 13 species. According to the statistics,31 families 58 genera 85 species plants are the feeding plants of Rh.roxellana. 58 genera(accounting for 56.30%)are predominant in number which are the temperate type distribution. 58 genera are the tropical type distribution and 23 genera are the East Asia and China special distribution which account for 21.36% and 22.33% respectively. The above information indicates that this area is a transitional region from subtropical zone to temperate zone. The paper counted up the pedigree of food resources in habitat and analyzed the food resources characteristics of this area as well. |
Key words: habitat flora phytogeography food resources Rhinopithecus roxellana Shennongjia |