摘要: |
为进一步开发植物促生菌,该研究以巨菌草根部为主要材料进行巨菌草促生菌的筛选,采用解磷、固氮和产IAA等筛选标准对初筛菌株分别进行多项促生能力的测定。通过形态观察、生理生化特性和 16S rDNA序列同源性分析对促生效果最好的菌株YB-07进行分类和鉴定,分别测定其促生能力后从中筛选出促生效应强的11个菌株进行盆栽试验,并通过对这些菌株单独回接和多菌混接的小麦盆栽试验测定其对小麦的促生效应。结果表明:从巨菌草根部分离得到了101株促生菌株,分类鉴定结果显示菌株YB-07归属于根瘤菌属(Rhizobium),其溶磷量为20.1 mg·L-1、产IAA量为23.7 mg·L-1,同时具有产氨能力。盆栽试验测定结果显示,多菌混合接种对小麦的促生效应在株高、干重、鲜重和叶绿素含量上,分别较对照组增加了24.49%、31.84%、28.06%和34.14%。单菌接种对小麦的促生表现在株高、干重、鲜重和叶绿素含量上,分别较对照组增加了13.54%、20.45%、16.84%和35.19%。所筛选到的菌株具有良好的促生长作用,能为进一步构建巨菌草促生菌菌群提供良好的种质资源。 |
关键词: 巨菌草, 促生菌, 筛选, 促生效应, 盆栽试验 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201904026 |
分类号:Q939.95 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2020)09-1323-09 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31660106); 陕西省科技统筹创新工程项目(2016TTC-N-3-1); 陕西省县域重点科技项目(2018XY-14); 2019年陕西省农业厅农业绿色技术研发集成项目; 陕西省教育厅服务地方专项计划项目(16JF029); 延安市菌草工程研究中心专项基金; 延安市生物资源开发与利用科技创新团队专项基金; 2019年第八批陕西省省级农业标准化示范区项目[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31660106); Science and Technology Coordinating Innovation Program of Shaanxi(2016TTC-N-3-1); Key Science and Technology Program at County Level of Shaanxi Province(2018XY-14); Agricultural Green Technology Research and Development Integration Program of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture in 2019; Service Local Special Plan Program of the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province(16JF029); Special Fund of Juncao Engineering Research Center of Yan'an City; Special Fund of Technology Innovation Team for the Development and Utilization of Biological Resources of Yan'an City; The Eighth Batch of Provincial Agricultural Standardization Demonstration Area Program in Shaanxi Province in 2019]。 |
Screening of growth-promoting bacteria associated with Pennisetum sinese root and their abilities of growth-promoting effect |
DENG Zhenshan1*, CHEN Kaikai1, LI Jing1, LIU Xianchun1,
ZHANG Baobao1, ZHANG Baocheng2
1. College of Life Sciences, Yan'an University, Yan'an 716000, Shaanxi, China;2. School of Biological and
Agricultural Science and Technology, Zunyi Normal College, Zunyi 563000, Guizhou, China
Abstract: |
In this study, the root of the Pennisetum sinese was used as the main research material, screening of growth-promoting strains from P. sinese, and explore the growth-promoting effects of growth-promoting strains. We used the following screening criteria for the determination of multiple growth-promoting capacities of primary strains: the ability to solubilize phosphorus, the ability to fix nitrogen, the ability to produce IAA. The strain YB-07 with the best growth-promoting effect was classified and identified through physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence homology analysis. Eleven strains with better overall performance were screened out and used for a pot experiment with a single inoculation and multi-microbe mixed inoculation to determine its growth-promoting effect. A total of 101 strains were isolated from the roots of the P. sinese, and the growth-promoting ability was measured. Among them, the strain with excellent overall performance was YB-07, which had a phosphorus content of 20.1 mg·L-1, an IAA yield of 23.7 mg·L-1, and an ability to produce ammonia at the same time. The results of pot experiment showed that the effect of multi-microbe mixed inoculation on wheat growth increased by 24.49%, 31.84%, 28.06% and 34.14% in the height, dry weight, fresh weight and chlorophyll content, respectively. Single bacterium inoculation increased the plant height, dry weight, fresh weight, and chlorophyll content by 13.54%, 20.45%,16.84% and 35.19%, respectively, compared with the control group. The selected strain has good growth-promoting effect, can provide a good seed resources for the further construction of the P. sinese flora promoting bacteria. |
Key words: Pennisetum sinese, promoting bacteria, screening, growth-promoting effect, pot experiment |