摘要: |
以六种彩叶植物紫叶李、红花GFDA1木、红叶石楠、红枫、鸡爪槭和金叶女贞的叶片为材料,对其营养成分及有害元素含量进行了测定及分析。结果表明:蛋白质和可溶性糖含量以红花GFDA1木为最高,维生素C含量以红枫为最高,β 胡萝卜素含量差异最大,紫叶李最高达15.99 mg•kg 1。六种彩叶植物矿质营养元素种类齐全,其中红花GFDA1木的营养元素总量最高。六种彩叶植物均含有18种氨基酸成分,必需氨基酸和总氨基酸含量各不相同,但必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的比例却较为一致,且都高于40%。六种彩叶植物叶片内均含有一定量的铅、镉、砷、汞等有害元素,但有害元素尤其是砷和汞的含量均低于允许量。 |
关键词: 彩叶植物 营养成分 有害元素 |
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Analysis on nutritional components and poisonous elements in the leaf of six color leaved plants |
ZHANG Ying, LI XinLei, LI JiYuan, FAN ZhengQi, TIAN Min, CHEN Sheng
Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Fuyang 311400, China
Abstract: |
In this study,nutritional components and poisonous elements were determined in six color leaved plants,namely P.ceraifera“Pissardii”,L.chinense var.rubrum,P.serrulata,A.palmatum “Atropurpureum”,A.palmatum and L.vicaryi. The results indicated that the maximum protein and soluble sugar content were found in L.chinense var.rubrum,and the maximum vitamin C content was detected in A.palmatum“Atropurpureum”. The contents of β carotene in the six plants were different obviously,and the highest content was 15.99 mg•kg 1,which found in P.ceraifera“Pissardii”. The content of total nutrient elements in L.chinense var.rubrum was highest. There were eighteen amino acids in the six color leaved plants,and the contents of essential amino acid and total amino acid were all different,but the proportion of essential amino acid in total amino acid had no obvious difference,all were more than 40%. There were certain amount Pb,Cd,As and Hg in the six plants,and the contents of these poisonous elements were all lower than permissible amount,especially As and Hg. |
Key words: color leaved plants nutritional components poisonous elements |