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海南蛇足石杉株龄及年生长量研究 |
王德立1,2, 齐耀东1,2*, 魏建和1,2, 冯锦东1,2
1.中国医学科学院、协和医学院药用植物研究所海南分所, 海南 万宁 571533;2.海南省南药资源保护与开发重点实验室, 海南 万宁 571533
摘要: |
蛇足石杉因含有丰富的石杉碱甲而引起广泛关注,需求巨增,但该植物生长缓慢,野生资源濒临灭绝,且人工培植相关技术尚未成熟。为保护野生资源及今后开展繁育研究工作,需进一步了解蛇足石杉的生物学特性。据此开展了对海南蛇足石杉天然群体的调查,调查内容主要涵盖芽胞层数、层间距、株高及环境条件等。结果表明,芽胞逐年产生,集中分布于分枝顶端,其层数可作为判定株龄的重要指标; 生长半年的幼苗平均高度为1.42 cm,幼株3年生长高度平均为7.94 cm; 而成株生长相对稳定,平均年生长量在2.0~2.5 cm之间。根据株高及芽胞(或芽托)层数可判定成株株龄为芽托层数+3。 |
关键词: 蛇构树 桑树 聚乙二醇 碳酸酐酶 叶绿素荧光 喀斯特足石杉 芽胞 芽托 芽胞幼苗 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2011.01.018 |
分类号:Q945 |
Fund project: |
Studies on the ages and annual growth ofHuperzia serrata from Hainan |
WANG De-Li1,2, QI Yao-Dong1,2*, WEI Jian-He1,2, FENG Jin-Dong1,2
1.Hainan-branch Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Peking Union Medical College &2.Chinese Academy
of Medical Sciences, Wanning 571533, China;3.2.Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Resources
Conservation and Development of Southern Medicine, Wanning 571533, China
Abstract: |
Huperzia serrata is well known worldwide because of it's Hup A. The requirement of this plant is increasing rapidly. It grows slowly in habitat and its wild resource storage is limited to meet a need. Now the cultivation process has not been established successfully. So it is necessary to study further the biological characters of H.serrata in order to protect the wild resource and cultivate in plantation. Then the authors investigated the natural populations in Bawangling Nature Reserve of Hainan Province. The investigation items included mainly gemma layers,distance between two adjacent layers,plant height and environments. The results showed gemma layer was an important factor to make sure the age of plant because it presented on top of shoot annually. The average height of gemmlings for half a year was 1.42 cm,and the young plant grew for 3 years to 7.94 cm high on average. But the adult plants grew annually from 2.0cm to 2.5 cm longitudinally. Therefore,the age of adult H.serrata plant from gemma was leaf layers +3 according to the plant height and gemma or gemmiphore layers. |
Key words: Huperzia serrata gemma gemmiphore gemmling |