摘要: |
金沙江干热河谷元谋段残存的锥连栎群落中植物种类组成较为简单,共发现68种植物,隶属于35科60属,其中,禾本科、蝶形花科、菊科、唇形科等科植物占有较大优势;从植物生活型和功能型来看,群落内以草本植物和多年生植物数量居多,分别占所有植物种类的58.8%和63.2%。不同类型群落中,除了扭黄茅始终为各群落中最为重要的优势种之外,同一草本植物在不同群落中的作用和地位存在较大差异;群落物种多样性及相似性程度较为低下,其Shannon Weiner指数在1.7~2.6之间,且与群落受干扰程度存在较大关联。 |
关键词: 金沙江 干热河谷 元谋 锥连栎 多样性 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q948 |
Fund project: |
Species composition and diversity characteristics of Quercus franchetii communities in dry hot valley of Jinsha River |
LIU FangYan1,2, WANG XiaoQin1, LI Kun1*, SUN YongYu1, ZHANG ZhiXiang2, ZHANG ChunHua1
1.Desert Ecosystem Station in Yuanmou County, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Research Institute of Resources Insects, CAF, Kunming 650224, China;2.College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: |
Species composition and diversity characteristics of different Quercus franchetii communities in dry hot valley of Jinsha River were studied based on the plots data. The results showed that there was a simple plant species composition in remained Q.franchetii communities in Jinsha River dry hot valley of YuanMou section. In communities,68 plant species were found,which belong to 35 families 60 genera,and Poaceae,Papilionaceae,Asteraceae,and Lamiaceae plants had a large advantage; in the plant life form and functional type,the majority of the plants within communities were herbs and perennials,which occupied respectively 58.8% and 63.2%. In Q.franchetii communities,excepted that Heteropogon contortus was eventually the most important dominant species,the same herb in different communities were quite different in the role and status. Simultaneously,Q.franchetii communities had lower species diversity and similarity,and Shannon Weiner index was between 1.7 and 2.6,which was correlated with the degree of disturbance of communities. |
Key words: Jinsha River dry hot valley Yuanmou County Quercus franchetii species diversity |