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15N同位素稀释法评估甘蔗的生物固氮量 |
周晓舟1,2,3,4, 李杨瑞3,4*, 杨丽涛1
1.广西大学 亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室, 南宁 530004;2.广西农业职业技术学院, 南宁
530007;3.广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室, 南宁 530007;4.中国农业科学院甘蔗研究中心/
农业部广西甘蔗生物技术与遗传改良重点实验室/广西甘蔗遗传改良重点实验室, 南宁 530007
摘要: |
为评估甘蔗生物固氮量,采用15N同位素稀释法,以木薯为参比植物,进行温室桶栽试验。结果表明:甘蔗全生育期植株固氮11.3514% Ndfa,固氮量每桶0.9269 g。甘蔗根、茎、叶的固氮百分率和固氮量大小依序为叶>茎>根。叶的固氮百分率(13.2668% Ndfa)略高于植株,但两者差异不显著。甘蔗植株全氮量中来自空气氮(生物固氮)、肥料氮和土壤氮的比例分别为11.3514%、7.6857%、80.9629%。甘蔗的氮肥利用率为58.7583%。甘蔗根、茎、叶各部位均有固氮现象,生产上可以用叶代替植株来评估甘蔗的生物固氮量。 |
关键词: 甘蔗 木薯 15N同位素稀释法 固氮百分率 定量 生物固氮 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2012.06.011 |
分类号:Q945.13 |
Fund project: |
Using 15N isotopic dilution method to quantify the biological nitrogen fixation in sugarcane |
ZHOU Xiao-Zhou1,2,3,4, LI Yang-Rui3,4*, YANG Li-Tao1
1.State Key Laboratory of Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources, Guangxi University, Nanning
530004, China;2.Guangxi Agricultural and Technical Vocational College, Nanning 530007, China;3.Guangxi Key
Laboratory Crop Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology, Nanning 530007, China;4.Sugarcane Research Center of
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement,
Ministry of Agriculture(Guangxi)/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement, Nanning 530007, China
Abstract: |
The quantification of biological nitrogen fixation in sugarcane was investigated with 15N isotope dilution technique in greenhouse bucket culture test,using cassava as reference plant. The experimental results showed that Ndfa accounted for 11.3514%,and the nitrogen fixation rate was 0.9269 g/bucket for whole growth duration of sugarcane. Ndfa and the nitrogen fixation amount in different organs of the plant showed leaf>stalk>root. Ndfa in leaf accounted for 13.2668%,a little higher than that in the whole plant,but the difference was not significant. The percentage of nitrogen from air,fertilizer and soil occupying the total nitrogen of the plant was 11.3514%,7.6857% and 80.9629%,respectively. The nitrogen use efficiency of sugarcane was 58.7583%. It was concluded that all organs of sugarcane could fix nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation,and leaves could be used to estimate the amount of biological nitrogen fixation in place of whole plant of sugarcane. |
Key words: sugarcane cassava 15N isotope dilution technique nitrogen-fixing percentage quantification biological nitrogen fixation |