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暗期光间断条件下新铁炮百合花芽分化的形态学研究 |
刘 伟1, 刘久东2,3, 周厚高4*
1.文山学院, 云南 文山 663000;2.云南大学, 昆明 650091;3.江苏省仪征市
农业委员会, 江苏 仪征 211400;4.仲恺农业工程学院, 广州 510225
摘要: |
在暗期光间断条件下采用石蜡切片技术对新铁炮百合花芽分化过程进行了研究。结果表明:新铁炮百合品种花芽或顶芽分化过程可分为营养生长期、花原基或花序原基分化期、花被分化期、雌雄蕊分化期和花序形成期,而对于新铁炮百合品种花器官的发生过程而言只具有前4个时期,而无花序形成期; 暗期光间断处理下80%新铁炮百合花序形成所跨度的时间为25 d。研究结果可为新铁炮百合在生产上进行促花管理控制夜间光照天数提供有益参考。 |
关键词: 新铁炮百合 花芽分化 暗期光间断 形态解剖 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2012.06.021 |
分类号:Q945 |
Fund project: |
Morphological observation on floral bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi under night-break condition |
LIU Wei1, LIU Jiu-Dong2,3, ZHOU Hou-Gao4*
1.Wenshan University, Wenshan 663000, China;2.Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China;3.Yizheng Agriculture Com-
mittee, Yizheng 211400, China;4.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China
Abstract: |
The floral bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi was studied with the method of paraffin section under night-break condition. The results were as follows: the process of floral or terminal bud differentiation could be divided into five phases: undifferentiation phase,flower or inflorescence primordium differentiation,petal differentiation,stamen and pistil differentiation and whole inflorescence formation. The process of floral development contained the first four phases,except the whole inflorescence formation phase. Moreover,based on the observation,the time of 80% inflorescence formation under night-break condition was 25 d. This results could be availabe for promoting blossom of L.formolongi by controlling the illuminative date at night. |
Key words: Lilium formolongi floral bud differentiation night-break morphology and anatomy |