摘要: |
该文总结《上海植物志》出版以来的维管植物区系资料,分析整理存疑种、订正了错误鉴定,并发表上海植物新记录4种。据此确认上海目前有原生维管植物126科440属818种(包括7亚种、49变种、2变型),外来逸生植物86科234属367种(包括2亚种、18变种)。结果表明上海植物区系受人为干扰较严重。 |
关键词: 上海植物 新记录 学名校对 综述 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2012.06.026 |
分类号:Q949 |
Fund project: |
Review on Shanghai vascular plants |
WANG Yuan, LI Hui-Ru, GE Bin-Jie, MA Jin-Shuang*
Shanghai Chenshan Plant Science Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai
Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602, China
Abstract: |
Since the publication of Flora of Shanghai(1999),the floristic work in Shanghai has been updated by further study,both from local research and by national revision. This review updated all of these taxa and data,including four new records found first time in Shanghai. A total of 126 families, 440 genera and 818 taxa(including 7 subspecies, 49 varieties and 2 forms)are native,and 86 families, 234 genera and 367 taxa(including 2 subspecies and 18 varieties)from outside. The results showed that Shanghai flora suffered from human disturbance seriously. |
Key words: plnats of Shanghai new records scientific name revision review |