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海南岛北部木麻黄林凋落物与土壤养分、细根生物量的关系 |
伍恩华1,2,3, 刘 强1,2*
1. 热带动植物生态学省部共建教育部重点实验室, 海口 571158;2. 海南师范大学 生命科学学院,
海口 571158;3. 中核陕西铀浓缩有限公司, 陕西 汉中, 723312
摘要: |
通过对海口市桂林洋海岸木麻黄防护林地表凋落物进行持续清除处理,与保留凋落物层的对照样地进行比较实验,研究防护林凋落物-土壤养分-细根生物量三者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)处理样地与对照样地的年凋落物量分别是6.0162和5.9505 t·hm-2,但无显著性差异。两种样地一年内凋落物量变化的时间格局较一致。凋落物组成均为小枝占比例最高,且小枝凋落物量月动态与凋落物总量月动态相似,杂物占比例次之,皮+枝占的比例最小;(2)N、P、K元素归还量的月动态变化在两样地中均较一致。两样地中小枝养分归还量的大小顺序为N>K>P;(3)处理样地在短时间无新鲜凋落物输入情况下,两样地的土壤养分含量无显著性差异;(4)两样地的细根生物量季节动态均呈现“单峰”特征,细根生物量在实验期间无显著性差异,但处理样地的细根生物量有随时间延长低于对照样地的趋势,清除凋落物的处理可能会引起细根生物量的减少 |
关键词: 木麻黄 凋落物 土壤养分 细根生物量 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2013.04.011 |
分类号:Q945 |
Fund project: |
Relations among litters, soil nutrients and fine root biomass of Casuarina equisetifolia in the north of Hainan Island |
WU En-Hua1,2,3, LIU Qiang1,2*
1. Key Laboratory for Tropical Animal and Plant Ecology Co-established by Hainan Province and the Ministry of
Education, Haikou 571158, China;2. College of Life Sciences, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158,
China;3. CNNC Shaanxi Uranium Enrichment Limited Company, Hanzhong 723312, China
Abstract: |
The relations among litters,soil nutrients and fine root biomass of Casuarina equisetifolia plantation as windbreak were studied by comparing treatment(litters removed)and control(litters preserved)sites on the coast of Gui Linyang,Haikou City. The main results were as follows:(1)Annual litters in the sites of treatment and control were 6.0162 t·hm-2 and 5.9505 t·hm-2 respectively. According to the statistic analysis,there was no significant difference between the two sites. It seemed that the temporal patterns of litters were similar in the two sties. In the components of litters,the leaf litters took up the largest percentage and their monthly dynamics were similar with the total litters. The miscellaneous litters took the second place. Bark and branches litters took the least percentage;(2)It seemed that there was a same monthly pattern of N,P and K return from the litters in the two sites respectively. The order of quantity about the nutrients returned from the leaves was N>K>P;(3)If there was no fresh litter in the treatment site in a short time,the soil nutrients had no significant between the two sites;(4)The seasonal dynamics of fine root biomass had a “single apex” respectively and no significant difference between the two sites during the experiment,but with the time's increase,the treatment site's fine root biomass had a lower trend than the control site. Maybe one of the reasons on reducing the fine root biomass was litter clearing. |
Key words: Casuarina equisetifolia litter soil nutrients fine root biomass |