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广西柿种质资源果实性状多样性分析与模糊综合评价 |
邓立宝1,3, 何新华1*, 徐炯志1, 李冬波2, 孙宁静1, 覃振师4
1.广西大学 农学院, 南宁 530004;2.广西农业科学院, 南宁 530007;3.广西百色国家农业科技园区
管理委员会, 广西 百色 533612;4.广西亚热带作物研究所试验站, 广西 崇左 532415
摘要: |
为进一步揭示广西柿种质资源信息,运用多样性分析和模糊综合评价法对不同生态气候区的柿种质资源果实性状进行研究和评价。结果表明:不同柿种质的果实性状存在丰富的多样性。86份柿种质的模糊综合评价指数FCI值在1.849~3.947之间,平均2.835。根据FCI取值范围将所调查的柿种质分成5个等级,FCI值最高的第5级种质数量最少,占所调查种质的3.49%; FCI值最低的第1级种质数量最多,占所调查种质的48.84%。月柿、牛心柿、大方柿、京柿、鸡心柿、小方柿和火柿等柿品种及一些实生单株的模糊综合评价指数较高,它们的果实综合性状表现较优,建议作为优良品种和单株加以开发和利用。部分单个性状比较优良的实生单株虽不适合于直接推广种植,但可作为柿品种改良的资源加以利用 |
关键词: 柿 种质资源 多样性 模糊综合评价 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2013.04.014 |
分类号:Q945 |
Fund project: |
Diversity analysis of fruit traits and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of persimmon germplasm resources in Guangxi |
DENG Li-Bao1,3, HE Xin-Hua1*, XU Jiong-Zhi1, LI Dong-Bo2,
SUN Ning-Jing1, QIN Zhen-Shi4
1. College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;2. Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning
530007, China;3. Administration Committee of Guangxi Baise National Agricultural Science and Technology Zone, Baise
533612, China;4. Experiment Station of Guangxi Subtropical Crop Research Institute, Chongzuo 532415, China
Abstract: |
The diversity of fruit traits and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the persimmon germplasm resources which collected from different climatic regions were studied in order to further reveal the information of persimmon germplasm resources in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The results indicated that there were ample diversities in the fruit traits of different genotypes about the persimmon germplasm resources. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation index FCI of the 86 accessions of persimmon germplasms was 1.849 to 3.947 with an average of 2.835. The persimmon germplasms could be divided into five grades according to the FCI range. The number of germplasms in the fifth grade which had the highest FCI value was the fewest,accounting for 3.49% of the total collected germplasms. The number of germplasms in the first grade which had the lowest FCI value was the most,accounting for 48.84%. The FCI value of persimmon cultivars Yueshi,Niuxinshi,Dafangshi,Jingshi,Jixinshi,Xiaofangshi,Huoshi and some seedlings were high,their comprehensive fruit traits were excellent and were highly recommended to be used in the development and utilization. Some seedlings with excellent individual trait were not suitable for growing and promotion directly,but they were very useful in the improvement of persimmon varieties. |
Key words: persimmon(Diospyros kaki) germplasm resources diversity fuzzy comprehensive evaluation |