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越南荨麻科楼梯草属和赤车属植物新记录(英文) |
符龙飞1,2, DO Van Truong3, 温 放1, 刘晟源4, 韦毅刚1*
1. 广西壮族自治区
中国科学院 广西植物研究所, 广西植物功能物质研究与利用重点实验室, 广西 桂林 541006;2. 广西师范
大学 生命科学学院, 广西 桂林 541004;3. 维管束植物分类与多样性保育中心, 越南国家自然博物馆,
越南 河内 100803;4. 广西壮族自治区龙州县弄岗国家级自然保护区, 广西 崇左 532400
摘要: |
报道了7个楼梯草属和赤车属植物(荨麻科)新纪录,它们分别为锐齿楼梯草(E. cyrtandrifolium),变黄楼梯草(E. xanthophyllum),对叶楼梯草(E. sinense),宽叶楼梯草(E. platyphyllum),托叶楼梯草(E. nasutum),短叶赤车(P. brevifolia)和华南赤车(P. grijsii)。列出了各个物种的标本引证和地理分布情况。 |
关键词: 新记录 荨麻科 楼梯草属 赤车属 越南 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2013.06.015 |
分类号:Q949.737.5 |
Fund project: |
New records of Elatostema and Pellionia (Urticaceae)from Vietnam |
FU Long-Fei1,2, DO Van Truong3, WEN Fang1,
LIU Sheng-Yuan4, WEI Yi-Gang1*
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Functional Phytochemicals Research and Utilization, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi
Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China;2. College of Life Sciences, Guangxi
Normal University, Guilin 541004, China;3. Classification of Vascular Plants and Biodiversity Conservation
Center, Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Ha Noi 100803, Vietnam;4. Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region Nonggang National Natural Reserve, Chongzuo 532400, China
Abstract: |
Seven newly recorded species of Elatostema and Pellionia(Urticaceae)are reported. They are E. cyrtandrifolium,E. xanthophyllum,E. sinense,E. platyphyllum,E. nasutum,P. brevifolia and P. grijsii. The citation of specimens and their distribution are provided. |
Key words: new records Urticaceae Elatostema Pellionia Vietnam |