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重楼属植物遗传多样性的SCOT标记 |
李 壮1, 辛本华1, 杨 华2, 刘 晨3, 田孟良3*
1. 四川农业大学农学院, 四川 成都 611130;2. 四川农业大学科技管理处, 四川 雅安 625014;3. 四川农业大学新农村发展研究院, 四川 雅安 625014
摘要: |
为评估重楼属植物的基因资源开发前景,初步探讨了SCOT标记技术在重楼属植物遗传多样性研究上的应用。采用目标起始密码子多态性(Start codon targeted polymorphism,SCOT)技术,对重楼属9个种40份材料进行基因组DNA多态性分析。结果表明:四川地区重楼属植物具有丰富的遗传多样性,40份供试材料可聚为4类:狭叶重楼单独聚为第一类; 球药隔重楼、卵叶重楼、金线重楼及滇重楼聚为第二类; 黑籽重楼与七叶一枝花聚为第三类; 五指莲与毛重楼聚为第四类。说明SCOT标记能够对重楼属植物进行准确的分子鉴定,为重楼属植物的种类鉴定和种间的分类地位提供分子生物学依据,同时也为深入探究重楼皂苷合成关键酶基因定位研究提供重要参考。 |
关键词: 重楼 SCOT标记 多态性 聚类分析 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2014.03.007 |
分类号:Q949 |
Fund project: |
SCOT genetic diversity of plants in Paris |
LI Zhuang1, XIN Ben-Hua1, YANG Hua2, LIU Chen3, TIAN Meng-Liang3*
1. Agricultural college of Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China;2. Science and technology
management office in Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya'an 625014, China;3. Research institute
of new rural development in Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya'an 625014, China
Abstract: |
Gene resources and development prospects of plants in Paris were evaluated. Applied researches in genetic diversity of plant in Paris were carried out based on SCOT markers. Genomic DNA polymorphic analysis in total forty individuls of nine species in Paris were performed by the approach of start codon targeted polymorphism(SCOT). The genetic diversity of the nine species in Paris was high in Sichuan Province. Clustering analysis could be used to study the classification of Paris,which indicated that forty individuls were clustered 4 classes. P. polyphylla var. stenophylla was clustered alonely. P. fargesii,P. delavayi var. petiolata,P. delavayi var. delavayi,P. polyphylla var. yunnaensis were clustered. P. thibetica and P. polyphylla var. chinesis were clustered. P. axiparis var. axialis and P. mairei were clustered. In conclusion,plant in Paris was identified accuracily in molecular by SCOT markers and molecular evidences were provided on the taxonomic status of species and interspecific. It is helpful to further study on gene mapping of P. |
Key words: Paris SCOT markers polymorphism clustering analysis |