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濒危植物大别山五针松母树林花粉传播规律 |
项小燕1,2, 张小平2,3, 段仁燕1, 徐延年2, 吴甘霖1*
1. 安庆师范学院 生命科学学院, 安徽 安庆 246001;2. 安徽师范大学 生命科学学院, 安徽 芜湖 241000;3. 安徽省重要生物资源保护与利用研究重点实验室, 安徽 芜湖 241000
摘要: |
大别山五针松是典型的风媒传粉植物,花粉流是种群基因流的重要形式。用重力玻片法研究大别山五针松母树林的花粉飞散特征,分析了时间和空间对花粉飞散的影响,结合林分密度和气象因子探讨花粉飞散的特点。结果表明:大别山五针松从5月中旬开始传粉,散粉期为14 d,盛粉期为3 d,种植密度低的下坡花粉密度比密度大的上坡的要高。日散粉最大值出现在10:00~14:00,植株中上部花粉密度较高,距花粉源50 m处花粉密度最高。建议对种植密度大的区域移栽以促进花芽生成,以保证结实率与提高种子品质。 |
关键词: 大别山五针松 母树林 花粉密度 移栽 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3142.2014.03.010 |
分类号:Q949 |
Fund project: |
Pollen dispersal patterns of the endangered plant Pinus dabeshanensis in a seed production stand |
XIANG Xiao-Yan1,2, ZHANG Xiao-Ping2,3, DUAN Ren-Yan1,
XU Yan-Nian2, WU Gan-Lin1*
1. School of Life Science, Anqing Teachers College, Anqing 246001, China;2. College of Life Science,
Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China;3. The Key Laboratory of Conservation and
Employment of Biological Resources of Anhui, Wuhu 241000, China
Abstract: |
Pinus dabeshanensis is a typical wind-pollinated plant,of which the pollen dispersal makes a crucial composition of the gene flow. The pollen dispersal and its spatial distribution in seed production stand of P. dabeshanensis by using traditional paraffin section method were investigated,and the relationship among meteorological factors,planting density and the pollen dispersal pattern analyzed. The results showed the pollen begins to disperse in the middle of May,with a period of 14 days and the peak dispersal of 3 days. Moreover,the pollen density of smaller planting density on the downhill slope seems higher than that of the uphill slope where had a higher plantation density. Furthermore,the maximum pollen density per day was between 10:00 a. m. and 14:00 p. m.; and the higher pollen density was at the upper part of plants,the highest density was at 50 m from the pollen source. Therefore,we suggest to transplant plants from higher density for promoting the flower bud development and improving the seed quality. |
Key words: Pinus dabeshanensis seed production stand pollen density transplantation |