摘要: |
鼠尾草属是唇形科中最大的属,全球有近1 000种。我国是鼠尾草属东亚分布中心,有84种,分布于全国各地,尤以西南地区最多。鼠尾草属植物具有很高的经济价值和观赏价值,但由于鼠尾草属植物分布广、种类多、形态变异大,给该属鉴定和分类学研究带来了很大的困难。此外,在采集和调查过程中发现弧隔鼠尾草亚属和荔枝草亚属的很多种类在营养生长期仅通过叶片很难鉴定。表皮毛是植物叶片上最常见的附属物,其分布特性和形态特征常作为植物鉴定和分类学研究的重要手段。该文利用光学显微镜和环境扫描电镜对18种和1变型共19份鼠尾草属植物的叶片类型、表皮细胞形状、垂周壁样式、气孔器类型和表皮毛等叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察和比较研究,为鼠尾草属的分类界定研究提供证据。结果表明:这19份鼠尾草属植物叶表皮和表皮毛形态特征在电子显微镜下表现出明显的多样性,叶表皮细胞形状为不规则形或多边形,垂周壁多数为浅波状或波状,少数为平直或弓形。气孔器为无规则型和不等细胞型,其中无规则型最为常见。样品叶表皮毛分为4个类型,盾状腺毛、头状腺毛、短非腺毛和长非腺毛。该属植物叶表皮的这些微形态特征,可为本属鉴定和分类学研究提供理论依据。 |
关键词: 鼠尾草属 叶 表皮毛 微形态学 分类学 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201404003 |
分类号:Q994. 56 |
Fund project: |
Leaf epidermal and epidermal hair micromorphology of 18 species(1 forma)Salvia species |
WANG Tao1, LIU Shi-Yong1, WANG Long1, 2, WANG Hong-Yu1, ZHANG Li1*
1. College of Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya'an 625014, China;2. Triticeae Research Institute,
Sichuan Agricultural University, Wenjiang 611130, China
Abstract: |
Lamiaceae,a family that has a cosmopolitan distribution,comprises approximately 236 genera with 6 900 to 7 200 species,including many well-known plants,herbs,and horticultural shrubs and trees,with economic and medicinal significance. Among the genera which belong to Lamiaceae,Salvia is the largest genus,comprising approximately 1 000 species. This genus is commonly found in central-South America,central Asia-Mediterranean,and East Asia. In East Asia,approximately 84 Salvia species are found in China. Many species of Salvia not only have economic values,but also have important visual values. Salvia has always been considered as monophyletic because its lever-like stamens. However,the tremendous diversity of morphological characteristics and vegetative habit of Salvia have led to long-existing and unresolved problem regarding infrageneric boundaries. Meanwhile,extensive in distribution and multiple variety and difference of morphology in Salvia species bring difficulty to classification and identification of Salvia. Besides,in the field survey and collection process,we found that it was very difficult to classification subg. salvia and subg. sclarea in nutrition stage. Epidermal hair were the most common appendages on plant leaves,the distribution characteristics and morphological characteristics important means of plant identification and taxonomic study. Micro morphological characters of 19 Salvia samples of 18 species and 1 forma,including type of leaf,shape of epidermis cell,type of anticlinal wall,type of stomata and type of epidermal hair were observed and measured using light microscope and environment scanning electron microscope,in order to provide foundation for taxonomic delimitation study of Salvia. The results showed that the characters of leaf epidermal and epidermal hair of these 19 samples under the environment scanning electron microscope display obvious diversity,the shapes of leaf epidermal cells were usually irregular or polygonal; the patterns of anticlinal walls were sinuous or sinuate,rarely straight or bow. The stomatal apparatuses could be classified into two types,anomocytic type and paracytic type. Anomocytic type was very common. According to their micromorphological characteristics,the epidermic hairs could be classified into 4 categories,peltate glandular hair,capitate glandular hair,short nonglandular hair and long nonglandular hair,respectively. These leaf epidermal morphological characters could provide evidence to identify and study the systematic relationships of taxa of Salvia. |
Key words: Salvia leaf epidermal hair micromorphology taxonomy |