摘要: |
过路黄为报春花科的多年生匍匐草本植物,是有名的中药材,也是十分优质的园林地被植物。该文报道了过路黄的自然三倍体,以期为过路黄的开发利用提供新的参考资料。该研究先将湖北省武汉狮子山和黄石月亮山的过路黄居群引种至同一实验地进行栽培,然后观测其植株形态和叶片气孔大小,并利用常规压片法进行细胞染色体的计数与核型分析。结果表明:源自黄石月亮山的过路黄的叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶片面积、花瓣长度、花瓣宽度、花瓣面积及叶背气孔面积均显著高于源自武汉狮子山的过路黄; 黄石月亮山的过路黄核型公式为3n=36=3m+3sm+6st+24t,与武汉狮子山的过路黄核型2n=24=2m+2sm+4st+16t不同。基于上述形态与核型数据,该文认为黄石月亮山的过路黄居群为自然三倍体。过路黄自然三倍体的发现丰富了过路黄的多倍体资料,不仅能为过路黄的遗传多样性及进化研究提供参考,还能为过路黄的药用、园林应用及其新品种的培育提供优良材料。 |
关键词: 过路黄 形态 核型 同源三倍体 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201404001 |
分类号:Q943; Q949.773.2 |
Fund project: |
Discovery of natural triploid in Lysimachia christinae |
LIU Xiao-Ming1, CHEN Long-Qing2, ZHENG Wei1*
1. College of Modern Agricultural Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650224, China;2. College of Horticulture and Forestry, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan 430070, China
Abstract: |
Lysimachia christinae Hance(Christina loosestrife),a mat-forming perennial herb from the Primulaceae family, is a famous Chinese medicinal material and excellent ground cover plant for landscaping. The natural triploid of L. christinae is reported here so as to provide new reference for the development and utilization of L. christinae. In this study, L. christinae plants introduced from Lion Mountain population in Wuhan and Moon Mountain population in Huangshi were cultivated in the same text site. And then the plant morphology and the stoma size were observed. The chromosome numbers and karyotypes were investigated by the conventional pressing plate method. The results showed that the leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, length of petal, petal width, petal area and leaf stoma area of L. christinae from Moon Mountain population in Huangshi were significantly higher than those of L. christinae from Lion Mountain population in Wuhan. In addition,the karyotype formula of L. christinae from Moon Mountain population in Huangshi was 3n=36=3m+3sm+6st+24t,which was different with that of L. christinae from Lion Mountain population in Wuhan(2n=24=2m+2sm+4st+16t). Therefore, in this paper, the L. christinae from Moon Mountain population in Huangshi was identified as natural triploid based on abovementioned morphology and chromosome datum. The discovery of natural triploid in L. christinae enriched the polyploidy data of L. christinae. It would not only provide reference for research on genetic diversity and evolution of L. christinae,but also supply the excellent material for medicine, landscaping and breeding. |
Key words: Lysimachia christinae morphology karyotype autotriploid |