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中国兰科大苞兰属一新记录种——淡黑大苞兰(英文) |
余东莉1, 周 详2, 金效华3, 李剑武2, 刘 强2,4*
1. 西双版纳州国家级自然保护区 科研所, 云南 景洪 666100;2. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 综合保护中心,
云南 勐腊 666303;3. 中国科学院植物研究所 标本馆, 北京 100093;4. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
摘要: |
大苞兰属全世界共有23种,主要分布于东南亚各国。我国分布有12种,可以说是该属的分布中心。在2011-2013年期间,对普洱地区兰科植物的野外考察中,发现了该属一个新记录种Sunipia nigricans Averyanov,根据该种拉丁名种加词之意将其定为“淡黑大苞兰”。淡黑大苞兰主要特点是花淡黑色、粘盘柄不分叉、顶部连接着4个球形的花粉团,与该属其它所有种类有明显区别。 |
关键词: 淡黑大苞兰 兰科 新记录 中国 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201308027 |
分类号:Q948.15 |
Fund project: |
Sunipia nigricans, a new recorded species of Orchidaceae from Yunnan, China |
YU Dong-Li1, ZHOU Xiang2, JIN Xiao-Hua3, LI Jian-Wu2, LIU Qiang2,4*
1. Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve Research Institution, Jinghong 666100, China;2. Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna
Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Germplasm Bank, Mengla 666303, China;3. Herbarium, Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China;4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing 100049, China
Abstract: |
Sunipia including about 23 species was restricted to Southeast Asia. In China, genus of Sunipia is represented by twelve species. During our fieldwork in Pu'er Prefecture southern Yunnan from 2011 to 2013, one new recorded species from China was discovered and here reported. Its Chinese name was entitled by meaning of specific names. This species is characterized by purple perianth, unbranched pollinarium stipe terminated with 4 spherical solid pollinias differed from others of this genus. |
Key words: Sunipia nigricans Orchidaceae new record China |