摘要: |
该文描述了自四川西北部发现的罂粟科绿绒蒿属二新种:肋蕊绿绒蒿,可能与拉萨绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为其叶片较狭,全缘,子房具4条纵肋; 以及狭瓣绿绒蒿,此种可能与川西绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为其叶片较小,无毛,花瓣呈条状倒披针形。 |
关键词: 罂粟科, 绿绒蒿属, 二新种, 四川 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2016)增刊1-0227-04 |
Fund project: |
Two new species of Meconopsis(Papaveraceae)from Sichuan |
WANG Wen-Cai
State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093
Abstract: |
Two species of the genus Meconopsis(Papaveraceae), are described as new from western area of Sichuan Province, China. Of them M. pleurogyna is probably related to M. lhasaensis Grey-wilson, differing in its narrower, entire leaf blades and longitudinally 4-ribbed ovary; and M. angustipetala is probably related to M. henrici Bur. & Franch., differing in its smaller, glabrous leaf blades, and peculiar linear-oblanceolate petals. |
Key words: Papaveraceae, Meconopsis, two new species, Sichuan |