摘要: |
东北地区位于中国东北部,地处欧亚大陆东缘,地域辽阔,环境复杂,植被类型多样,是我国北方植物种类较为丰富、植物区系起源演变发展的重要地区。该研究根据野外实地调查及资料分析,报道了东北地区2种新分布植物,分别是野生堇菜(Viola arvensis)、线叶毛膏菜(Drosera anglica)。野生堇菜为东北地区新归化种,分布于哈尔滨市帽儿山,该种在我国台湾地区有分布,原产于非洲北部、亚洲西南部和欧洲; 线叶毛膏菜为中国新记录种,分布于东北长白山区。该属在东北地区还有1种,即圆叶茅膏菜(D. rotundifolia)。两者的主要区别:前者叶为线状匙形,花柱3,每个花柱2分裂至中部; 后者叶片近圆形,花柱3,每个花柱深裂至基部。凭证标本保存于东北林业大学植物标本室(NEFI)。这些新资料种的发现,对于丰富东北地区植物种类及对本地区植物多样性的研究具有重要意义。 |
关键词: 被子植物, 新资料, 东北地区, 野生堇菜, 线叶毛膏菜 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201510006 |
分类号:Q948.5 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2016)05-0632-03 |
Fund project:国家大科学装置基金(WGB-1301)[Supported by National Major Scientific Equipment Foundation(WGB-1301)] 。 |
New data of Angiosperm in Northeast China |
ZHENG Bao-Jiang1, ZHANG Yi-Fan1, WANG Mei-Juan1, ZHOU You2*
1. College of Life Sciences, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China;2. College of
Life Sciences, Tonghua Normal University, Tonghua 134000, China
Abstract: |
Northeast of China, located in the East of Eurasia, is vast in territory, and has complex environments, varieties of vegetation type and abundant plants species. It is a critical area for the origin, evolution and development of flora. Using data analysis and field survey, Viola arvensis Murray and Drosera anglica Huds. are reported as new records in Northeast China. As a new naturalized species in Northeast China, Viola arvensis Murray is distributed in Maoer Mountain, Harbin. It is a native to Northern Africa, Southwest Asia and Europe, also found in Taiwan region Drosera anglica Huds. was new in China, distributed in Changbai Mountain of Northeast China. There is another species in Northeast China, D. rotundifolia L. The main difference between these two species are that the former leaves are linear spoon shaped, style 3 and each style 3 is divided into the middle; the latter leaves nearly round, style 3, each style deeply split to base. The voucher specimens were preserved in the herbarium of NEFI. The find of the new material species enriches the plant species in the Northeast China and has a great significant meaning to study the plant species diversity. |
Key words: Angiosperm,new data,Northeast China,Viola arvensis,Drosera anglica |