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浙北地区不同土地利用下乡村草本层植物多样性研究 |
吴 灏, 张建锋, 陈光才, 汪庆兵, 王 丽, 张 颖
中国林业科学研究院 亚热带林业研究所, 浙江 富阳 311400
摘要: |
该文以浙江省安吉县两个典型乡村—繅舍村和赋石村为例,选取公园、农耕区、河道、人工林地四种不同土地利用类型,用Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Sorensen指数为标识多样性的指标,分析不同生境下草本植物多样性差异。结果表明:乡村生境中共记录物种162种,分属47科123属,其中禾本科与菊科物种数占总数的31.48%; 农耕区生境的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数最高,分别为2.76和0.91,农耕区与河道的Sorensen指数最高为0.57。从农耕区、河道、公园到林地生境,草本物种多样性整体呈减小趋势。另外,发现人工绿化措施会导致草本物种减少,如从种植水稻单一作物到复合作物,草本层植物随之改变。单一稻田与复合种植区比较,草本植物主要的科属组成无明显变化,莎草科、菊科、禾本科植物仍占主体; 但草本植物群落主要物种组成发生变化,稻田转变成农耕区后,牛筋草、黑麦草,碎米荠、小飞蓬、喜旱莲子草成为草本层群落主要构成植物,水竹叶覆盖度减少,小飞蓬和喜旱莲子草的覆盖度增加。此外,还发现4种生境中共有喜旱莲子草、加拿大一枝黄花、土荆芥三种入侵物种,但未能对本土物种构成显著影响。这表明不同土地利用方式会严重影响草本群落物种组成及物种多样性; 土地利用方式的变化,会引起草本植物主要群落构成发生改变; 土地利用类型的多样化有利于本土草本物种多样性生存。该研究结果有助于为城镇化进程中保护乡村植物多样性、加速推进美丽中国建设提供技术支撑。 |
关键词: 浙北乡村, 草本, 生境, 植物多样性 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201405034 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2016)07-0824-08 |
Fund project:国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAJ24B0504); 浙江省—中国林业科学研究院合作项目(2013SY02)[Supported by National Key Technology R & D Programof China(2012BAJ24B0504); Zhejiang Cooperation Program of Chinese Academy of Forestry(2013SY02)]。 |
Rural herbaceous plant diversity under different land uses in North Zhejiang Province |
WU Hao, ZHANG Jian-Feng*, CHEN Guang-Cai,
WANG Qing-Bing, WANG Li, ZHANG Ying
Institute of Subtropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Fuyang 311400, China
Abstract: |
Local plants were important for ecosystem diversity, of which herbaceous plants took a great account. In the article Fushi Village and Saoshe Village in Zhejiang Province were taken as test plots, where land use systems were divided into four artificial habits such as artificial forest, gardens, rivers, farming area for comparing plant diversity under different artificial habits, and three parameters such as Shannon-Wiener index, Simpson index, Sorensen index were employed. The results showed that based on the investigation, there were 162 species including 47 families, 123 genera, were found in all the habits. The principal species was from Compositae and Gramineae, accounted for 31.48% of the total. The highest plant diversity was in farming area, Shannon-wiener index value reaching 2.76 and Simpson index value being 0.91, Sorensen index value of 0.57, the same with rivers. From the farming area, rivers, gardens to artificial forest habitat, the value of herbaceous species diversity overall decreased. Moreover, taking greening measures would lead to herbaceous species reduction. For example, from the paddy field to farming area habitat, the main herb family and genus composition did not change significantly, plants of Cyperaceae, Compositae and Gramineae still occupied the main body. The composition of the main species of herbaceous plant community had changed, the herb species of Cyperaceae, Compositae and Gramineae were 11, 8 and 15 in the paddy field habitat, Cyperaceae, Compositae and Gramineae species were 4, 19 and 17 in the farming area habitat. Comparison of two kinds of habitats in herbaceous species composition, species number of cyperaceae reduced, compositae species number increased. Additionally, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Solidago canadensis and Dysphania ambrosioides, total three invasive species were found in four habitats, and their important values were so low that they could not constitute a significant impact on native species. By the research it implied that different land use types seriously affected the species composition and species diversity of herb community. The herbaceous community changed with land use types variation, diversification of land use could contribute native herbaceous species diversity protection. Hence, to study on the herbaceous plant diversity of different land use patterns in rural environment is helpful for plant diversity conservation in rural area and pushing up beautiful China construction. |
Key words: rural region in North Zhejiang Province, herbaceous, habit, plant diversity |