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山东石松类和蕨类植物新记录 |
李晓娟1, 周国富1, 徐 宁1, 孟繁蕴1*, 万 明1, 李建秀2,3
1. 北京师范大学 中药资源保护与利用北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875;2. 山东
宏济堂博物馆, 济南 250100;3. 山东中医药大学, 济南 250014
摘要: |
该研究报道了山东地区4种1变种和1变型石松类和蕨类植物新记录,分别是石松类的伏地卷柏(Selaginella nipponica Franch. et Sav.),蕨类的小戟叶耳蕨[Polystichum hancockii(Hance)Diels]、阔羽贯众(Cyrtomium yamamotoi Tagawa)、粗齿阔羽贯众 [C. yamamotoi Tagawa var. intermedium(Diels)Ching et Shing ex Shing]、小羽贯众 [C. fortunei J. Sm. f. polypterum(Diels)Ching]、远叶瓦韦 [Lepisorus ussuriensis var. distans(Makino)Tagawa]。同时采用扫描电镜对其孢子形态进行了观察,该研究结果为其分类鉴定提供了孢粉学依据。 |
关键词: 石松类, 蕨类植物, 新纪录, 扫描电镜, 孢子纹饰, 山东 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201603014 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2016)10-1214-06 |
Fund project:中国博士后科学基金(2014M550649); 国家科技基础性工作专项(2015FY111500, 2013FY114500)[Support by the National Science Foundation for Postdoctors(2014M550649); National Basic Special Fund for Science and Technology(2015FY111500, 2013FY114500)]。 |
New records of lycophytes and ferns from Shandong Province |
LI Xiao-Juan1, ZHOU Guo-Fu1, XU Ning1, MENG Fan-Yun1*,
WAN Ming1, LI Jian-Xiu2,3
1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Protection and Application of Chinese Medicinal Resources, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;2. Shandong Hongjitang Museum, Ji'nan 250100, China;3. Shandong University of Traditional Chinense Medicine, Ji'nan 250014, China
Abstract: |
Four species, one variety and one form of lycophytes and ferns are reported for the first time from Shandong Province. They are Selaginella nipponica Franch. et Sav., Polystichum hancockii(Hance)Diels, Cyrtomium yamamotoi Tagawa, C. yamamotoi var. intermedium(Diels)Ching et Shing ex Shing, C. fortunei J. Sm. f. polypterum(Diels)Ching, and Lepisorus ussuriensis var. distans(Makino)Tagawa respectively. The spore ornamentations are examined by means of scanning electron microscopy(SEM)to facilitate the palynology identification of these species. |
Key words: lycophytes, ferns, new records, SEM, spore ornamentations, Shandong |