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陕西省国家重点保护野生植物资源及保护现状 |
张小卉1, 张建强1, 宁 琨1, 王晓佳1, 康菊清1, 邱林峰1,
李亚利2, 刘晓莹1, 岳 明3,4*
1. 陕西师范大学 生命科学学院, 西安 710119;2. 秦岭国家植物园, 西安 710061;3. 西北大学 生命科学学院, 西安 710069;4. 陕西省西安植物园, 西安 710061
摘要: |
依据2021版《国家重点保护野生植物名录》和《陕西省分布的国家重点保护野生植物名录》,对陕西省分布的国家重点保护野生植物资源和保护现状开展了调查研究。结果表明:(1)国家重点保护野生植物共 38 科 67 属 104种(含种下等级),含石松类1科1属3种,占总数的2.88%; 裸子植物2科6属 6种2变种,占6.73%; 被子植物 35 科 60 属85种1亚种10变种,占比高达90.38%。(2)保护植物约占全省维管植物科的18.18%、属的5.09%、种的2.00%,秦岭石蝴蝶、长柱玄参为陕西特有种。(3)新名录保留1999版国家重点保护植物26种,新增78种,含原陕西省地方重点保护植物24种,象鼻兰、曲茎石斛、紫斑牡丹等原无保护级别直接列入的共54种,占全省分布的国家重点保护植物总数的52%; 濒危等级分析显示,极危(CR)占4.81%、濒危(EN)和易危(VU)均占24.04%。(4)国家级重点保护植物在陕西省呈现出南多北少的分布特征,镇坪县多达60种,占全省保护植物的57.69%,平利县和佛坪县均有47种。(5)全省各级自然保护区、湿地公园、森林公园等共有249个,在保护区内有分布的保护植物约70种,占总数的67.31%。建议开展新增物种,尤其是对原来无保护级别的54种的资源和分布进行调查与研究,更新自然保护区的保护植物信息且进行动态监测,加大陕西省黄土高原区域植物园建设,为就地保护和迁地保护等提供科学基础。 |
关键词: 国家重点保护野生植物, 分布特征, 保护现状, 黄土高原, 秦巴山区, 陕西省 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202311019 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2024)11-1989-11 |
Fund project:陕西省科技厅重点产业链项目(2020ZDLSF0-01)。 |
Resource and conservation status of national key protected wild plants in Shaanxi Province, China |
ZHANG Xiaohui1, ZHANG Jianqiang1, NING Kun1, WANG Xiaojia1, KANG Juqing1,
QIU Linfeng1, LI Yali2, LIU Xiaoying1, YUE Ming3,4*
1. College of Life Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China;2. Qinling National Botanical Garden, Xi'an 710061, China;3. College of Life Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, China;4. Xi'an Botanical Garden of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710061, China
Abstract: |
Based on the references of natural reserves in Shaanxi Province, field survey, and digitized herbarium specimens provided by China Virtual Herbarium(CVH), and The List of National Key Protected wild Peauts(NKPWPs)(2021 Version), and The List of National Key Protected Wild Plants distributed in Shaanxi Province. The resource and conservation status of species NKPWPs distributed in Shaanxi Province was investigated and analyzed in present study. The results were as follows:(1)A total of 104 species(including subspecies and variety)belonged to 38 families, 67 genera were distributed in Shaanxi Province, including 3 species in genus 1 family of lycophytes, 6 species and 2 varieties in 6 genera 2 families of gymnosperms, and 85 species, 1 subspecies and 10 varieties in 60 genera 35 families of angiosperms, representing 2.88%, 6.73% and 90.38% of the total NKPWPs respectively.(2)The number of the NKPWPs represented about 18.18%, 5.09%, and 2% of families, genera and species respectively of the total vascular plant in Shaanxi Province.(3)Among 104 species of NKPWPs, 26 species listed in the last version(1999)had been protected, and 78 species were added newly, in which 24 species were ever listed and protected as local protected wild plants, and a total of 54 additional species were not protected at all before, accounting for 52% of the total NKPWPs, e.g. Phalaenopsis zhejiangensis, Dendrobium flexicaule and Paeonia rockii. The endangered status analysis showed that 5 species were critically endangered(CR), representing 4.81%, 22 species were endangered(EN)and 22 species were vulnerable(VU), representing 24.04% of the total NKPWPs, respectively.(4)Qinling-Bashan region was a concentrated distribution area of NKPWPs, about 60 species were distributed in Zhenping County, accounting for 57.69% of the total, and 47 species were distributed in both Pingli County and Foping County; contrast to it, few species found in the north area of Shaanxi Province.(5)There were 249 reserves in Shaanxi Province, including the natural reserve(national and provincial), wetland parks and forest parks, and about 70 species representing 67.31% of NKPWPs had been effectively protected in these areas. We suggest: investigate the resources, distribution and status of the additional species of NKPWPs in Shaanxi Province, especially focus on the 54 species which are not protected previously; facilitate the regional botanical gardens in the Loess Plateau area of Shaanxi Province; dynamic monitor and update data of NKPWPs in natural reserves, so as to provide a scientific and valuable reference for in situ and ex situ conservation in the future. |
Key words: national key protected wild plants, distribution characteristics, conservation status, Loess Plateau, Qinling-Bashan district, Shaanxi Province |