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海南省分布的国家重点保护野生植物组成及区系特征 |
李婧涵, 张顺卫, 杨小波*, 李东海, 戚春林, 黄 耀, 张 翔,
郝杰威, 梁彩群, 朱子丞, 江悦馨, 王重阳, 何亦绮
海南大学 生态与环境学院, 海口 570228
摘要: |
以2021年《国家重点保护野生植物名录》及相关资料为基础,结合野外实地调查,整合得出《海南省国家重点保护野生植物名录》,并分析其组成及区系特征。结果表明:(1)在国家重点保护野生植物中,原有的葫芦苏铁(Cycas changjiangensis)、海南苏铁(C. hainanensis)、念珠苏铁(C. lingshuigensis)、台湾苏铁(C. taiwaniana)归并入闽粤苏铁(C. taiwaniana); 相比1999年《国家重点保护野生植物名录》,原有的半枫荷(Semiliquidambar cathayensis)和线苞两型豆(Amphicarpaea linearis)被解除保护级别,伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis)从一级保护降级为二级保护,新增127种国家重点保护野生植物,加上原有的,共173种(含变种),隶属53科83属,其中国家一级保护野生植物8种,国家二级保护野生植物165种,海南省特有种32种,分属于4个类群,其中被子植物种类最丰富,有129种。(2)依据多年的野外调查信息和本次调查结果,龙尾苏铁(Cycas rumphii)、三亚苏铁(C. shanyagensis)、中华桫椤(Alsophila costularis)、紫纹兜兰(Paphiopedilum purpuratum)一直尚未调查到。(3)173种保护植物的生活型共有5种类型,以高位芽植物为主(115种),其次是地面芽植物(34种)和地下芽植物(22种),地上芽及垫型植物均为最少(1种)。(4)在科水平上,兰科(Orchidaceae)种类最多,含47种(27.17%); 在属水平上,石斛属(Dendrobium)种类最多,含21种(12.14%)。(5)区系成分复杂,具有明显的热带性质,科以泛热带及其变型分布为主; 属以热带亚洲及其变型分布为主。综上所述,海南省国家重点保护野生植物热带性质及特有现象明显,新增保护种较多,因此应持续开展本底调查和动态监测,加强执法力度,减少人为因素对生境的干扰和破坏,针对性地采取就地和迁地保护措施以加强保护管理。 |
关键词: 海南省, 国家重点保护野生植物, 物种组成, 区系特征, 保护措施 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202401028 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2024)11-2021-12 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(32260267); 海南省林业局资助项目(HD-KYH-2022165)。 |
Composition and floristic characteristics of national key protected wild plants distributed in Hainan Province, China |
LI Jinghan, ZHANG Shunwei, YANG Xiaobo*, LI Donghai, QI Chunlin, HUANG Yao,
ZHANG Xiang, HAO Jiewei, LIANG Caiqun, ZHU Zicheng,
JIANG Yuexin, WANG Chongyang, HE Yiqi
School of Ecology and Environment, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
Abstract: |
Based on the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants and related data in 2021, combined with field investigation, the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants in Hainan Province was integrated, and its composition and floristic characteristics were analyzed. The results were as follows:(1)Among the national key protected wild plants, the original Cycas changjiangensis, C. hainanensis, C. lingshuigensis and C. taiwaniana were incorporated into C. taiwaniana; compared with the List of National Key Protected Wild Plants in 1999, the original Semiliquidambar cathayensis and Amphicarpaea linearis were removed from the protection level, and Bretschneidera sinensis was degraded from Category I protection to the Category Ⅱ protection. A total of 127 species of national key protected wild plants were added, and a total of 173 species(including varieties)with the addition of original, belonging to 53 families and 83 genera, including 8 species of national Category I protected wild plants. There were 165 species of national Category Ⅱ protected wild plants and 32 endemic species in Hainan Province, which belonging to four groups. Among them, the angiosperm species were the most abundant, with 129 species.(2)Based on years of field investigation information and the results of this survey, C. rumphii, C.shanyagensis, Alsophila costularis and Paphiopedilum purpuratum had not been investigated.(3)The life forms of 173 protected plants were divided into five types, mainly phanerophytes(115 species), followed by hemicryptophytes(34 species)and geocryptophytes(22 species), and chamaephytes and cushion plant were the least(1 species).(4)At the family level, Orchidaceae had the largest number of species, including 47 species(27.17%). At the genus level, Dendrobium had the largest number of species, including 21 species(12.14%).( 5 )The floristic elements were complex and had obvious tropical characteristics. The families were mainly distributed in the pantropics and their variants. The genera were mainly distributed in tropical Asia and its variants. In summary, the tropical nature and unique phenomena of national key protected wild plants in Hainan Province are obvious, and there are many new protected species. Therefore, background investigation and dynamic monitoring should be carried out continuously, law enforcement should be strengthened, human factors should be reduced to interfere with and destroy habitats, and in-situ and ex-situ protection measures should be taken to strengthen protection and management. |
Key words: Hainan Province, wild plants under national key protection, species composition, floristic characteristics, protection measurements |