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贵州稀有濒危种子植物物种多样性保护与利用的研究 |
邹天才1, 李媛媛2, 洪 江1, 黄丽华1, 刘海燕2*, 陈 龙3, 张著林2, 张 维2
1. 贵州科学院, 贵阳 550001;2. 贵州省植物园, 贵阳550004;3. 贵州鸿瑞实业有限责任公司, 贵州 惠水 550600
摘要: |
全球性生物多样性保护与利用正逐步走向高质量发展,拥有丰富物种资源已成为夺取生物科技制高点的关键,因此,贵州稀有濒危种子植物多样性保护与利用的研究具有重要意义。在对贵州稀有濒危种子植物资源调查的基础上,选取具有重要应用价值的小黄花茶(Camellia luteoflora)、贵州红山茶(C. kweichowensis)等103种贵州稀有濒危植物,采用模式标本产地植物追溯、现存分布区及种群散布特征调查、物种濒危等级评估、混合采种迁地保育、生物资源测试分析与资源评价相结合的方法,开展了植物物种多样性编目及其迁地保护、种子生物学特性与种子散布及分布动态变化、种苗繁育与应用栽培试验等研究。结果表明:(1)调查评估的103种贵州稀有濒危种子植物都采取了就地保护措施,但迄今为止对濒危威胁程度减轻的效应不明显,抢救性迁地保护依然必要,其中极危(CR)23种、濒危(EN)30种、易危(VU)40种、近危(NT)7种、无危(LC)3种; 采用同一地理种源迁地保护有效种群Pn≥Lf·Ee·Am的栽培方法,在贵州省植物园开展了迁地保护引种栽培试验。其中,国家重点保护野生植物33种、3 650株,引种栽培平均成活率为95.47%,贵州及毗邻川、滇、桂极少数地区特有分布的种子植物70种、11 010株,引种栽培平均成活率为95.80%,并且建成了活植物保育圃30 200 m2。(2)搜集文献大数据结合GIS信息追踪调查研究,发现了小黄花茶新分布区2.5 km2、长柱红山茶(C. longistyla)新分布区1.5 km2、美丽红山茶(C. delicata)新分布区1.0 km2、皱叶瘤果茶(C. rhytidophylla)新分布区6.0 km2、红花瘤果茶(C. rubituberculata)新分布区50.0 km2、贵州槭(Acer guizhouensis)新分布区0.3 km2; 新分布区种群增量对其减轻濒危程度的评估效果影响不明显。(3)选择了小黄花茶、贵州红山茶等20种具有贵州高原区域环境特色的经济植物开展了种苗繁育和应用栽培试验,建立种苗繁育基地13.4 hm2,繁育种苗73万余株,在林业绿化工程应用中示范栽培140.0 hm2(31万株),≥2年生苗木应用栽培存活率92.00%~98.00%,这为有关稀有濒危植物的科学研究及种质创新利用提供科学参考。 |
关键词: 稀有濒危植物, 贵州特有分布, 濒危等级评价, 迁地保护, 应用栽培 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202106029 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2021)10-1699-08 |
Fund project:贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合成果 [2019]4237号); 国家自然科学基金(32160095,31360075)[Supported by the Science and Technology Project of Guizhou Province([2019]4237); the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32160095,31360075)]。 |
Species diversity conservation and utilization of Guizhou rare and endangered spermatophyta |
ZOU Tiancai1, LI Yuanyuan2, HONG Jiang1, HUANG Lihua1, LIU Haiyan2*,
CHEN Long3, ZHANG Zhulin2, ZHANG Wei2
1. Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550001, China;2. Guizhou Botanical Garden, Guiyang 550004, China;3. Guizhou Hongrui Industrial Co., Ltd., Huishui 550600, Guizhou, China
Abstract: |
Advanced development is being promoted toward the conservation and utilization of global biodiversity, with the rich biodiversity resources playing a key role in seizing the commanding heights of biotechnology. Therefore, it is of important value and significance to study and conserve the diversity of rare and endangered spermatophytes in Guizhou, China. Based on the investigation of rare and endangered spermatophytes, we selected 103 important scientific value, development and application prospect species, such as Camellia luteoflora, C. kweichowensis, etc. We studied the catalogue of plant species diversity, ex-situ conservation, seed biological characteristics, population dispersion dynamics, seedling breeding, and application of cultivation experiments, using a combination of several methods, namely tracing the original plant from the origin of the type specimen, investigation of the existing distribution area and population dispersion characteristics, endangered species assessment, mixed seed collection and ex-situ conservation, biological resource performance tests and resource evaluation. The results were as follows:(1)The 103 species of rare and endangered spermatophytes investigated in Guizhou were subjected to in-situ conservation measures, but so far, the effect on the reduction of endangered threat was not obvious, and rescue ex-situ protection was still necessary. The 103 species comprised 23 critically endangered(CR), 30 endangered(EN), 40 vulnerable(VU), 7 near threatened(NT), and 3 least concern(LC)species. According to the cultivation method of Pn≥Lf·Ee·Am for the ex-situ conservation inbreeding effective population(IEP)of the same geographical provenance, the ex-situ conservation and introductory cultivation experiment was performed in the Guizhou Botanical Garden. Among them, there were 33 national key protected species(3 650 wild plants), with an average survival rate of 95.47%; 70 endemic spermatophyta(11 010 plants), distributed in only a few areas of Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi, with an average survival rate of 95.80%. And the 30 200 m2 planting nursery for plants was developed.(2)Using literature collection, big data, combined with GIS information tracking investigation and research, we found the new distribution areas for various species as follows: C. luteoflora was 2.5 km2, C. longistyla was 1.5 km2, C. delicata was 1.0 km2, C. rhytidophylla was 6.0 km2, C. rubituberculata was 20 km2 and Acer guizhouense was 0.3 km2. The data increment of the population in the new distribution area had no obvious impact on the evaluation effect of reducing the degree of endangerment.(3)Experiments on seedling breeding and applications on the following 20 species were performed, such as C. luteoflora, C. kweichowensis, et al. We established a seedling base across 13.4 hm2 and bred more than 730 000 seedlings. We demonstrated cultivation across 310 000 plants distributed 140.0 hm2 using sustainable forestry greening engineering methods, with the average survival rate of 92.00%-98.00%. The results provide a scientific basis for research on rare and endangered plants and the innovative utilization of germplasm. |
Key words: rare and endangered plants,endemic distribution in Guizhou,endangered grade assessment,ex-situ conservation, application and cultivation |