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苋科(广义)入侵植物墙生藜在中国的新记录 |
任正涛1, 李世刚1, 李宇然2,3, 李萍萍1, 王秋萍2,3, 王焕冲2,3*
1. 云南大学 生命科学学院, 昆明 650091;2. 云南大学 生态与环境学院, 昆明 650091;3. 云南大学 植物标本馆, 昆明 650091
摘要: |
外来物种的归化和入侵对全球环境和社会发展造成了严重影响,已成为当今各国生物多样性管理和生态保护中所面临的全球性问题。我国是遭受外来入侵危害最为严重的国家之一,在外来物种入侵的预警、管理和治理等方面形势严峻。基于野外调查和文献研究,该文报道了苋科(广义)入侵植物墙生藜[Chenopodiastrum murale(L.)S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch]在中国的新记录。墙生藜原产于地中海地区,现已扩散到欧洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲的40多个国家,是一种危害较大的外来入侵植物,同时也是我国海关和检验检疫部门明确规定禁止入境的检疫性有害生物,现于云南省昆明市呈贡区发现该外来入侵植物。该文对其形态特征进行了详细描述,简要介绍了其分类历史,并提供了可供鉴定比对的野外生态照片; 此外, 对墙生藜可能的传入途径进行了分析,对其危害和风险作了简要评估。该物种的新发现说明我国外来入侵生物的本底调查还存在不足。 |
关键词: 中国, 外来入侵植物, 新记录, 苋科, 墙生藜 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202112077 |
分类号:Q941 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)04-0670-06 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(31960040),中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA26010102-4)。 |
Chenopodiastrum murale(Amaranthaceae sensu lato), an alien invasive plant first reported for flora of China |
Chenopodiastrum murale(Amaranthaceae sensu lato),
an alien invasive plant first reported for flora of China
1. School of Life Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China;2. School of Ecology and Environmental
Science, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China;3. Herbarium, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
Abstract: |
The naturalization and invasion of alien species have caused a serious impact on the global environment and social development, and have become a global problem faced by countries in biodiversity management and ecological conservation. China is one of the countries most seriously affected by alien invasion, and the situation is serious in the early warning, management and governance of alien invasion. Based on field surveys and literature research, Chenopodiastrum murale(L.)S. Fuentes, Uotila & Borsch, an alien invasive plant of Amaranthaceae sensu lato, is first reported for flora of China. C. murale is native to the Mediterranean region and has spread to more than 40 countries in Europe, America, Africa and Oceania. It is an invasive alien plant with great harm, and it is also clearly prohibited by customs and quarantine departments. This exotic invasive plant is now found in Chenggong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. This paper describes the morphological characteristics of the species in detail, as well as brief introduction of its taxonomical history, and provides field ecological photos for identification and comparison. In addition, the possible introduction route of C. murale was analyzed, and its potential harm and invasive risks were briefly assessed. This new record clearly demonstrate that the background survey of Chinese alien invasive plants is still insufficient. |
Key words: China, alien invasive plant, new record, Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiastrum murale |