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火棘不同组织内生细菌群落多样性 |
张丽芳1, 胡海林2, 桂腾茸3, 高 秀1, 徐晴芳1, 朱 铃1, 徐启贺1, 蔡 建1*
1. 曲靖师范学院云南省高校特色果酒技术创新与应用工程研究中心, 云南 曲靖 655011;2. 曲靖师范学院
数学与统计学院, 云南 曲靖 655011;3. 曲靖师范学院 经济与管理学院,云南 曲靖 655011
摘要: |
为了解火棘不同组织内生细菌群落多样性,该研究采用高通量测序技术对火棘内生细菌16S rRNA V5~V7可变区进行测序,分析火棘不同组织部位内生细菌群落多样性。结果表明:(1)从火棘根、茎、叶组织中共获得内生细菌OTU 1 818个,其中根部754个,茎部 308 个,叶部756个,三者共有 OTU 152 个。(2)物种分类显示,不同火棘组织内生细菌具有丰富的群落多样性,火棘根部内生细菌种类隶属于23门53纲137目216科373属557种,其中异样根瘤菌属(Allorhizobium-Neorhizobium-Pararhizobium-Rhizobium)和链霉菌属(Streptomyces)为优势属,其相对丰度分别为 10.57%和 8.00%; 茎部内生细菌种类隶属于21门32纲76目126科204属270种,其中马赛菌属(Massilia)和未知分类的丛毛单胞菌科属(unclassified_f_Comamonadaceae)为优势属,其相对丰度分别为31.10%和12.82%; 叶部内生细菌种类隶属于21门52纲130目210科380属581种,其中土芽孢杆菌属(Geobacillus)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)为优势属,其相对丰度分别为12.31%和9.84%。(3)PICRUSt功能预测表明,根部内生细菌物种最丰富,参与各种代谢调控的细菌丰度最高。该研究结果为进一步探讨植物内生细菌功能,挖掘新的有益微生物资源提供了参考。 |
关键词: 火棘, 不同组织, 内生细菌群落多样性, 高通量测序技术, 功能预测 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202206031 |
分类号:Q939 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)07-1193-08 |
Fund project:云南省教育厅科学研究基金(2022J0808)。 |
Diversity of endophytic bacterial community in different tissues of Pyracantha fortuneana |
ZHANG Lifang1, HU Hailin2, GUI Tengrong3, GAO Xiu1, XU Qingfang1,
ZHU Ling1, XU Qihe1, CAI Jian1*
1. Yunnan Engineering Research Center of Fruit Wine, Qujing Normal University, Qujing 655011, Yunnan, China;2. College of Mathematics
and Statistics, Qujing Normal University, Qujing 655011, Yunnan, China;3. College of Economics and Management,
Qujing Normal University, Qujing 655011, Yunnan, China
Abstract: |
In order to understand the diversity of endophytic bacteria community in different tissues of Pyracantha fortuneana, the 16S rRNA V5-V7 variable region of endophytic bacteria in P. fortuneana was sequenced by high-throughput sequencing technology, and the diversity of endophytic bacteria community in different tissue parts of P. fortuneana was analyzed. The results were as follows:(1)A total of 1 818 endophytic bacteria OTU were obtained, in which 754 endophytic bacteria were from root, 308 from stem and 756 from leaf, and with a total of 152 OTU.(2)Species classification showed that endophytic bacteria in different P. fortuneana tissues had abundant community diversities, and the endophytic bacteria in root belonged to 557 species, 373 genera, 216 families, 137 orders, 53 classes, 23 phyla, Allorhizobium-Neorhizobium-Pararhizobium-Rhizobium and Streptomyces were the dominant genera, and their relative abundance was 10.57% and 8.00%, respectively. The endophytic bacteria in stem belonged to 270 species, 204 genera, 126 families, 76 orders, 32 classes, 21 phyla, Massilia and unclassified_f_Comamonadaceae were the dominant genera, and their relative abundance was 31.10% and 12.82%, respectively. The endophytic bacteria in leaf belonged to 581 species, 380 genera, 210 families, 130 orders, 52 classes, 21 phyla, geobacillus and pseudomonas were the dominant genera, and their relative abundance was 12.31% and 9.84%, respectively.(3)PICRUSt function prediction analysis showed that the species richness of root endophytic bacteria involved in te regulation of various metabolic pathways was the highest. These results provide a reference for endophytic bacteria functions and exploiting new beneficial microbial resources. |
Key words: Pyracantha fortuneana, different tissues, diversity of endophytic bacterial community, high-throughput sequencing technology, function prediction |