摘要: |
植物在生长发育过程中会受到各种胁迫因子的影响,非生物胁迫是其中极其重要的一类。类受体激酶(receptor-like kinases, RLKs)是植物中广泛存在的一类蛋白,能够快速有效地对胁迫因子作出响应,最终引起一系列生物效应。凝集素类受体激酶(lectin receptor-like kinases, LecRLKs)是RLKs的一个亚族,其具有细胞外凝集素结构域、跨膜结构域和细胞内激酶结构域三个结构域。根据细胞外凝集素结构域的不同可分为L、G和C三种不同类型。近年来,大量的研究表明植物凝集素类受体激酶在非生物胁迫响应中发挥重要作用。LecRLKs通过识别非生物胁迫相关的信号分子,激活下游的信号通路,如MAPK通路、ROS通路、钙信号通路等,调节基因表达和蛋白质翻译以增强植物的抗逆性。该文概述了植物凝集素类受体激酶的结构特征及其分类,并系统综述了LecRLKs在盐胁迫、低温胁迫、干旱胁迫、机械损伤和植物激素等非生物胁迫响应中的功能和作用机制,同时也对LecRLKs的未来研究方向作出了展望。该文不仅为深入了解植物凝集素类受体激酶参与非生物胁迫响应的功能提供了参考,而且为利用LecRLKs进行作物抗逆育种改良提供了理论依据。 |
关键词: 植物, 类受体激酶, 凝集素类受体激酶, 非生物胁迫, 信号响应, 作用机制 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202302002 |
分类号:Q943 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)11-2159-11 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金(32202317); 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2023A1515010433,2022A1515111215); 惠州市科技计划项目(2021SC010502003); 广东省热带亚热带植物资源重点实验室开放课题项目(2021PlantKF04); 大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202210577050)。 |
Research advances on plant lectin receptor-like kinases in abiotic stress response |
WANG Menglong, LUO Suwei, LI Xiaoshi, PENG Xiaoqun*
School of Life Sciences, Huizhou University, Huizhou 516007, Guangdong, China
Abstract: |
Plants are exposed to various stress during their growth and development, and abiotic stress is one of the most significant factors. Receptor-like kinases(RLKs)are widely present in plants that can quickly and effectively respond to stress, ultimately leading to a series of biological effects. Lectin receptor-like kinases(LecRLKs)belongs to a subfamily of RLKs, which consisting of three structural domains: extracellular lectin domain, transmembrane domain, and intracellular kinase domain. Based on the different types of extracellular lectin domains, LecRLKs can be classified into three subclasses: L, G and C types. In recent years, numerous studies have shown that plant lectin receptor-like kinases play a vital role in responses to abiotic stress. By recognizing abiotic stress-related signal molecules, LecRLKs can activate downstream signaling pathways, such as the MAPK pathway, the ROS pathway, the calcium signaling pathway, as well as to regulate gene expression and protein translation to enhance plant stress resistance. In this review, we summarize the structural characteristics and classification of LecRLKs. Meanwhile, the functions and mechanisms of LecRLKs in response to abiotic stress such as salt stress, low temperature stress, drought stress, mechanical damage and plant hormones are systematically reviewed. Furthermore, prospects are made for the future research directions of LecRLKs. This review not only provides new insights into the functions and mechanisms of LecRLKs in abiotic stress responses, but also provides a theoretical basis for using LecRLKs to improve crop resistance breeding. |
Key words: plants, receptor-like kinase, lectin receptor-like kinase, abiotic stress, signal response, mechanism of action |