摘要: |
该文报道了广西维管植物5个新记录属和种,即双角草属(Diodia L.)、伏金腰箭属(Calyptocarpus Less.)、兔儿伞属(Syneilesis Maxim.)、凤头黍属(Acroceras Stapf)和落芒草属(Piptatherum P. Beauv.),以及隶属于该5属的双角草(Diodia virginiana L.)、金腰箭舅(Calyptocarpus vialis Less.)、兔儿伞 [Syneilesis aconitifolia(Bunge)Maxim.]、山鸡谷草 [Acroceras tonkinense(Balansa)C. E. Hubbard ex Bor]和钝颖落芒草(Piptatherum kuoi S. M. Phillips & Z. L. Wu)。其中双角草和金腰箭舅为归化种,文中提供了2个新归化种的形态描述和照片,并对其入侵性给予了评估; 兔儿伞、山鸡谷草和钝颖落芒草为本土植物,提供了其特征集要描述和照片,并对其生物地理学意义进行了讨论。 |
关键词: 广西植物区系, 新记录属, 归化种, 禾本科, 菊科 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202204012 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)12-2196-07 |
Fund project:全国中药资源普查项目(2018-43); 广西科学院“桂科学者”启动经费项目(CQZ-D-1906)。 |
Five newly recorded genera of vascular plants in Guangxi |
NONG Suyun1,2, LU Zhaocen2, CHEN Hailing2, XU Weibin2*
1. College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China;2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and
Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China
Abstract: |
Five newly recorded genera of vascular plants in Guangxi were reported, namely, Diodia L., Calyptocarpus Less., Syneilesis Maxim., Acroceras Stapf and Piptatherum P. Beauv., as well as Diodia virginiana L., Calyptocarpus vialis Less., Syneilesis aconitifolia (Bunge)Maxim., Acroceras tonkinense (Balansa)C. E. Hubbard ex Bor and Piptatherum kuoi S. M. Phillips & Z. L. Wu belonging to the five genera. Among them, Diodia virginiana and Calyptocarpus vialis are naturalized species. The morphological descriptions and photos of two newly naturalized species were provided, and their invasiveness was evaluated based on wild investigation in Guangxi. As native plants, Syneilesis aconitifolia, Acroceras tonkinense and Piptatherum kuoi were provided with the descriptions of characteristic diagnosis and photos. At last, the biogeographic significance for these newly recorded genera was discussed. |
Key words: flora of Guangxi, new recorded genera, naturalized species, Poaceae, Asteraceae |