Page 101 - 《广西植物》2020年第2期
P. 101
2 3 8 广 西 植 物 40 卷
( 1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Theory and Technology for Environmental Pollution Controlꎬ College of Environmental and Engineeringꎬ Guilin
University of Technologyꎬ Guilin 541000ꎬ Guangxiꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamicsꎬ Ministry of Natural and Resources & Guangxi
Zhuang Autonomous Regionꎬ Institute of Karst Geologyꎬ Chinese Academy of Geological Sciencesꎬ Guilin 541000ꎬ Guangxiꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Key
Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protectionꎬ Ministry of Educationꎬ Guilin 541000ꎬ Guangxiꎬ Chinaꎻ
4. Guangxi Forestry Research Instituteꎬ Nanning 530000ꎬ Chinaꎻ 5. Zhenlong Forest Farm of Hengxian Countyꎬ Nanning 530000ꎬ China )
Abstract: In order to relieve the effects of stand ages and densities on litter nutrient changes and its returns in planted
Pinus massoniana forestsꎬ we selected four forest types of stand ages (young standꎬ half ̄mature standꎬ mature standꎬ
and over ̄mature stand) and four forest types of stand densities (low densityꎬ middle ̄low densityꎬ middle ̄high densityꎬ
and jigh density) as the research objects (total eight stands) in Zhenlong Forest Farm of Hengxian Countyꎬ Nanningꎬ
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regionꎬ and we measured litter carbon(C)ꎬ nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) contents
and their ratios in the early and latter degradation periods of litter. The results were as follows: (1) C contents in early
degradation period of litter were relatively higher in mature and over ̄mature standsꎬ N contents were relatively higher in
over ̄mature and half ̄mature standsꎬ but P contents and N ∶ P ratios were not different among four standsꎬ C ∶ N and
C ∶ P ratios increased from young stand to nature stand. It indicated that the growth rates were relatively faster in young
stand and half ̄mature standꎬ resulting in Pinus massoniana needing large amounts of N and P in the two stands. (2) In
early degradation period of litterꎬ C contents increased but P contents decreased with the increasing of stand densitiesꎬ N
contents were not different among four densities of stands. C ∶ P and N ∶ P ratios were relatively higher in middle ̄high
and high density standsꎬ resulting in Pinus massoniana needing large amounts of N and P and higher P reabsorption in
these stands. (3) C contents and C ∶ Nꎬ C ∶ Pꎬ and N ∶ P ratios in latter degradation periods of litter were lower than
those in early degradation period of litterꎬ but N and P contents were adverse. It indicated that N and P were enriched to
litters along the advancing degradation periods. (4) The difference of C contents between the early and the latter degra ̄
dation periods of litter was relatively higher in half ̄matureꎬ middle ̄highꎬ and high density standsꎬ but C ∶ N and C ∶ P
ratios were relatively lowerꎬ indicating that the degradation rates of litters C were relatively higher in these stands. The
above results suggested that Pinus massoniana may need large amounts of N and P in half ̄matureꎬ middle ̄high and high
densities of standsꎬ resulting in high nutrient resorption efficiencyꎻ additionallyꎬ there were high potential degradation
rates of litter carbonꎬ which was beneficial to return litter C to soils in these forest stands.
Key words: Pinus massonianaꎬ ageꎬ densityꎬ litterꎬ ecological stoichiometryꎬ nutrients
马尾松(Pinus massoniana) 是主要的松树人工 广西马尾松人工林的土壤 N、P 等养分含量普遍较
林树种ꎬ其耐干旱、耐贫瘠ꎬ且适应性强( 王韦韦 低(覃其云等ꎬ2017)ꎮ 在对马尾松人工纯林进行
等ꎬ2015)ꎬ种植面积和产量比较大ꎬ能满足国家和 经营管理时ꎬN、P 等养分成为需要重点关注的因
社会对木材的需求ꎮ 但是ꎬ很长一段时间ꎬ马尾松 素ꎮ 为了更科学合理地对马尾松人工纯林进行经
都以纯林进行抚育和管理ꎬ林地的养分平衡较差ꎬ 营管理ꎬ深入了解马尾松人工纯林生态系统的养
养分循环速率较低(郝中明等ꎬ2018)ꎬ从而引起树 分循环状况显得非常必要ꎮ
木生产力降低、水土流失、生态系统服务功能价值 生态化学计量学是一种分析生态系统养分循环
降低等问题( 何友均等ꎬ2013ꎻ吴强等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 因 作用和状态的重要理论和工具(Zhang et al.ꎬ2015ꎻ
而ꎬ马尾松人工纯林的近自然化改造策略被提出 Huang et al.ꎬ2018)ꎮ 凋落物是森林生态系统的重要
并进行初步尝试(明安刚等ꎬ2017)ꎬ发现纯林改造 养分库:(1)凋落物的初始养分含量与土壤养分、植
后土壤的有机碳含量得以提高( 赖家明等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 物养分含量和重吸收效率等密切相关(潘复静等ꎬ
但是ꎬ生态系统功能的提升需要土壤有机质的提 2011)ꎮ 当土壤养分含量和有效性较低时ꎬ植物的
高来支持ꎬ同时其他组分的养分提高也不可或缺ꎮ 养分含量也比较低ꎬ为了满足生长的需要ꎬ植物对养
C、N、P 养分是植物生长和生态系统功能维持所不 分的重吸收加强ꎬ导致凋落物的养分含量也较低ꎮ
可或缺的重要因素:C 是植物干物质的主要元素ꎻ (2)凋落物的初始养分状况可以影响养分归还的质
N 和 P 分别构成是蛋白质和遗传物质的元素ꎬ含 量和速率(李雪峰等ꎬ2008)ꎮ 如果凋落物的 N 含量
量较低会限制植物生长( 杨惠敏和王冬梅ꎬ2011)ꎮ 较多、P 含量较低ꎬ此时 N ∶ P 比值较高ꎬ则凋落物