Page 179 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 179
10 期 刘舒等: 不同种源桃金娘表型性状多样性研究 1 9 3 3
results were as follows: ( 1) The averages of phenotypic traits of R. tomentosa from different provenances were
significantly different (P<0.05)ꎬ and the Shannon ̄Wiener diversity index of various source phenotypic traits was above
1.35ꎬ indicating rich phenotypic traits diversity. (2) The mean coefficient of variation of phenotypic traits within
provenances ranged from 10. 81% to 63. 75%ꎬ while those among provenances ranged from 13. 08% to 74. 04%.
Meanwhileꎬ the variation among provenances (23.33%) was higher than that within provenances (19.79%)ꎬ and the
variation of vegetative organs (29.52%) was higher than that of floral organs (14.06%). (3) Correlation analysis
showed that there were extremely significant or significant correlations among some phenotypic traitsꎬin which the plant
height of R. tomentosa had extremely significant negative correlations with the branch number and had significantly
positive correlations with leaf lengthꎬ leaf width as well as leaf area. (4) At 10 Euclidean distancesꎬ the 20 provenances
of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa could be divided into three classes: Aꎬ B and Cꎬ and Class A contained eight provenancesꎬ
which were characterized by tall plantsꎬ few branchesꎬ large leaves and large flowersꎻ Class B contained 11
provenancesꎬ which were characterized by medium plant heightꎬ large leaves and middle flowersꎻ Class C contained only
one provenanceꎬ which was characterized by lower plant heightꎬ more branchesꎬ small leaves and flowers compared with
the other two classes. The results of this study can provide theoretical basis and materials for selecting and breeding of
new R. tomentosa varieties and the study of their target traits.
Key words: Rhodomyrtus tomentosaꎬ phenotypic traitꎬ diversityꎬ coefficient of variationꎬ cluster analysis
桃金娘( Rhodomyrtus tomentosa ) 为桃金娘科 关 序 列 扩 增 多 态 性 ( sequence ̄related amplified
(Myrtaceae)桃金娘属(Rhodomyrtus)在中国天然分 polymorphismꎬ SRAP) ( Ferriol et al.ꎬ 2003)、简单
布唯一的一种灌木ꎮ 桃金娘野生资源丰富ꎬ生态 重 复 序 列 间 扩 增 ( inter ̄simple sequence repeatꎬ
适应性强ꎬ广泛分布于热带亚热带地区ꎬ如中南半 ISSR)(邱文武等ꎬ2021)、单核苷酸多态性( single
岛、菲律宾、印度、斯里兰卡、马来西亚、日本、印度 nucleotide polymorphismꎬ SNP )(胡安琪ꎬ2020)等ꎬ
尼西亚等 地ꎬ 是 泰 国 的 民 族 植 物 之 一 ( Geetha et 而关 于 桃 金 娘 表 型 性 状 多 样 性 的 研 究 则 相 对
al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 在中国ꎬ桃金娘分布于台湾、广东、广 较少ꎮ
西、海南、云南、江西、湖南、福建、贵州等地( 司书 桃金娘的表型性状较多ꎬ其营养器官和花器
斌等ꎬ2012ꎻ 刘连海等ꎬ2013)ꎮ 桃金娘不仅是中 官等表型形态易观测、差异明显且结果较稳定ꎬ能
国南方地区民间传统中草药ꎬ其果实、叶、根均可 较真实地表现物种的综合性状ꎬ对其进行观测和
入药(戴卫波等ꎬ2014)ꎬ而且其果实酸甜可口ꎬ富 研究既是开展桃金娘种质资源调查的基本方法ꎬ
含维生素ꎬ是极具开发价值的野生果树资源( 韦霄 也是优良品种选育的最初途径ꎮ 因此ꎬ本文以 20
等ꎬ2005)ꎮ 此外ꎬ桃金娘还是我国少有的变色花 个桃金娘种源为研究对象ꎬ对其营养器官( 苗高、
卉种类ꎬ其花期长、花多而密ꎬ植株四季常青ꎬ树形 分枝数、叶长、叶宽和叶面积) 和花器官( 花梗、花
紧凑ꎬ是集花、叶、果于一体的野生乡土观赏植物 冠直径、花丝) 进行测定ꎬ通过多重比较、变异分
(陈银铸ꎬ2008 )ꎬ是园林中重要的乡土绿化材料ꎮ 析、Shannon ̄Wiener 多样性指数、相关性分析和聚
目前ꎬ桃金娘资源尚未得到充分开发利用ꎬ还处于 类分析等ꎬ拟探讨:(1) 桃金娘种质资源表型多样
野生状态ꎬ虽然国内一些学者从生物学特性、药用 性特点ꎻ(2)参试种源桃金娘遗传变异规律ꎮ 以期
价值、营养价值等方面对野生植物桃金娘的开发 为桃金娘种质资源的收集保存、开发利用和新品
与利用开展了研究ꎬ但关于桃金娘在育种改良方 种选育提供理论依据ꎮ
表型性状观测是研究植物遗传多样性最直观 1 材料与方法
研究能够直观反映植物的遗传结构ꎬ从而了解其 1.1 材料
资源的丰富度ꎮ 目前ꎬ关于桃金娘遗传多样性的 根据桃金娘在我国的分布情况ꎬ以及在实地
研究主要集中于运用分子标记法进行研究ꎬ如相 调查的基础上ꎬ于福建、广东、广西、贵州、海南、湖