Page 104 - 《广西植物》2023年第12期
P. 104

2 2 7 0                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 Abstract: To investigate the effect of exogenous nitric oxide (NO) on aluminum tolerance of Eucalyptus seedlings under
                 aluminum stress. In this studyꎬ sodium nitroproside (SNP) was used as exogenous NO donor in four kinds of Eucalyptus
                 seedlings ( Eucalyptus grandisꎬ E. urophyllaꎬ E. tereticornisꎬ E. urophylla × E. grandis). The effects of different
                 concentrations of NO (0ꎬ 50ꎬ 100ꎬ 200ꎬ 400ꎬ 800 μmolL ) on the physiological indices of ROSꎬ antioxidant enzyme
                 activities and the contents of organic osmotic regulatory substances of Eucalyptus seedlings under 120 mgL aluminum
                 stress were studiedꎬ and the differences of aluminum tolerance of four Eucalyptus species under NO treatment were
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                 compared. The results were as follows: (1) The addition of exogenous NO (50 μmolL ≤NO≤200 μmolL )
                 under aluminum stress promoted the contents of soluble sugar and soluble proteinꎬ the activities of antioxidant enzymes
                 (SODꎬ PODꎬ CATꎬ APX)ꎬ the removal of ROS in the bodyꎬ the reduction of MDA accumulationꎬ and the improvement
                 of aluminum stress resistance. Howeverꎬ under high concentration of NO ( ≥ 800 μmol  L )ꎬ the activities of
                 antioxidant enzymes and the contents of osmotic regulatory substances decreased in Eucalyptus seedlingsꎬ showing stress
                 response. (2) NO significantly improved the aluminum tolerance of sensitive Eucalyptusꎬ but not significantly improved
                 the aluminum tolerance of tolerant Eucalyptus. Finallyꎬ the aluminum resistance of four Eucalyptus species tended to be
                 consistent under the action of NO. (3) SODꎬ MDAꎬ CATꎬ O ꎬ soluble protein and soluble sugar could be used as key
                 indicators to evaluate the aluminum tolerance of Eucalyptus. This study provides a scientific reference for the selection of
                 aluminum tolerance germplasm resources of Eucalyptusꎬ and laid a foundation for further understanding of the mechanism
                 of NO regulating the difference of aluminum tolerance between Eucalyptus species.
                 Key words: Eucalyptusꎬ exogenous NOꎬ aluminium stressꎬ physiological indexesꎬ principal component analysisꎬ
                 aluminum tolerance

                铝是地壳中含量最丰富的金属元素ꎬ铝毒害                            表明ꎬNO 通过调节体内的渗透物质和增加抗氧化
            能够诱导植物体生成大量活性氧( reactive oxygen                    酶活 性 来 降 低 铝 对 闽 楠 ( Phoebe bournei)、 大 豆
            speciesꎬROS)ꎬ从而使细胞发生氧化胁迫ꎬ导致细                       (Glycine max)、烟草( Nicotiana tabacum) 等植物的
            胞膜透性增大(Pereira et al.ꎬ 2011)ꎮ 如何解决植                氧化损伤ꎬ提高抗铝性( 刘强等ꎬ2017ꎻ 王华华等ꎬ
            物铝毒害ꎬ有效利用酸性土壤资源已成为土壤和                              2019ꎻ 李琳ꎬ2020)ꎮ 过氧化氢( H O ) 和 NO 都属
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            植物科学家们重视的问题ꎮ 桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)                   于小分子信号物质ꎬ均具有毒害和保护细胞这两
            是桃金娘科( Myrtaceae) 桉属( Eucalyptus) 植物的              种相反的生理功能( Yu et al.ꎬ 2014)ꎮ 逆境胁迫
            统称(谢耀坚ꎬ2015)ꎬ种植历史较长、生长迅速、适                         条件下ꎬ植物体内 H O 和外源添加 NO 对抗氧化
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            应性广、产量高ꎬ在我国林业产业中占有重要地位                             系统代谢的影响在植物响应逆境胁迫中至关重要
            (韦宜慧等ꎬ2021ꎻ 黄丽平等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 桉树栽植区                      (Yin et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 铝胁迫下ꎬ桉树外源添加 NO
            域主要在我国南方地区ꎬ土壤偏酸性且风化程度                              对体内 H O 代谢和植物抗氧化系统的响应方面尚
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            较高ꎬ土壤中铝铁含量较丰富( 黄倩倩ꎬ2021)ꎬ抑                         未见报道ꎬ值得深入研究ꎮ 为更好地了解 NO 对不

            制桉树的生长发育ꎬ严重影响桉树的产量和品质ꎮ                             同耐铝性桉树的抗铝性影响机制ꎬ我们选取课题
            一氧化氮(NO) 是一种重要的氧化还原信号分子ꎬ                           组前期研究发现的耐铝性显著差异的 4 种桉树
            能够调控植物生长发育ꎬ在植物受到胁迫时传导                              [ 纯 种 桉 树 巨 桉 ( Eucalyptus grandis )、 圆 角 桉
            信息以提高植株抗逆性ꎬ但也可能作为一种活性                              (E. tereticornis)、尾叶桉( E. urophylla) 和杂交种桉
            氮在植物体内大量积累ꎬ引起硝化胁迫从而对植                              树尾巨桉(E. urophylla × E. grandis) ]为研究对象
            物造成损害(李焱ꎬ2017)ꎮ 近年来ꎬ前人已开展了                         (黎汤侃ꎬ2020ꎻ 梁艳红ꎬ2022)ꎬ其中ꎬ巨桉和圆角
            一些 NO 缓解植物铝毒害方面的研究ꎬNO 缓解金                          桉为铝敏感型桉树ꎬ尾叶桉和尾巨桉为耐铝型桉
            属胁迫 主 要 有 3 种 机 制: ( 1) 增 强 抗 氧 化 能 力              树ꎮ 采用水培方式培养ꎬ通过测定并分析不同 NO
            (González et al.ꎬ 2012)ꎻ(2)减少重金属在植物体               浓度对铝胁迫下桉树幼苗 ROS、抗氧化酶活性、渗
            内的积累(Xiong et al.ꎬ 2009)ꎻ(3) 调控与金属抗                透调节物质以及膜脂过氧化性等指标的影响ꎬ拟
            性相关的基因表达( Xiong et al.ꎬ 2010)ꎮ 有研究                 探讨:(1)铝胁迫下不同耐铝性桉树叶片的生理指
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