Page 129 - 《广西植物》2023年第6期
P. 129
6 期 李丽等: 杏叶防风的化学成分及抗炎活性研究 1 1 1 5
Abstract: Pimpinella candolleana is known as Miao ethnic herbal medicine in Guizhou for the treatment of icteric
hepatitisꎬ acute cholecystitis and other diseases. To investigate the chemical constituents of P. candolleana and their anti ̄
inflammatory activitiesꎬ the chemical constituents from the 70% ethanol extract of P. candolleana were separated by
silica gelꎬ Sephadex LH ̄20ꎬ Toyopearl HW ̄40Fꎬ Toyopearl HW ̄40Cꎬ ODS and other column chromatography
technologiesꎬ and their structures were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic analysis such as nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) and mass spectrum (MS). The inflammatory cell modelꎬ built by LPS ̄induced RAW264.7 macrophage cellsꎬ
was used to evaluate the anti ̄inflammatory activity. The results were as follows: (1) Twenty compounds from P.
candolleana were isolated and identified of including vanillin (1)ꎬ sesamin (2)ꎬ 2 ̄methyl ̄2 ̄hydroxy ̄5 ̄methoxy berz
(d) hydrofuran ̄3 ̄one ( 3)ꎬ procatechin ( 4)ꎬ 1ꎬ 5 ̄dihydroxy ̄2ꎬ 3 ̄dimethoxyxanthone ( 5)ꎬ isorhamnetin ( 6)ꎬ
kaempferol (7)ꎬ 8 ̄hydroxy ̄2 ̄methylchromone (8)ꎬ luteolin (9)ꎬ quercetin (10)ꎬ 1 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄glucopyranosyl ̄(2Sꎬ3Sꎬ
4Rꎬ8E) ̄2 ̄[(2′R) ̄2′ ̄hydroxypalmitoylamino] ̄8 ̄octadecene ̄1ꎬ3ꎬ4 ̄triol (11)ꎬ isorhamnetin ̄3 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄galactopyranoside
(12 )ꎬ isoquercitrin ( 13 )ꎬ norswertianolin ( 14 )ꎬ luteolin ̄6 ̄C ̄α ̄L ̄arabinoside ( 15 )ꎬ kaempferol ̄3 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄
galactopyranoside ( 16 )ꎬ kaempferol ̄7 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄glucopyranoside ( 17 )ꎬ luteolin ̄7 ̄O ̄β ̄D ̄glucopyranoside ( 18 )ꎬ
isovitexin (19)ꎬ rutin (20). Compounds 1ꎬ 3ꎬ 4ꎬ 6ꎬ 7ꎬ 10ꎬ 13ꎬ 16ꎬ 18ꎬ and 20 were obtained from this plant for the
first time. (2) The anti ̄inflammatory results showed that compounds 2-10ꎬ 12ꎬ 18 and 19 could significantly inhibit the
LPS ̄induced NO content in RAW264.7 cells (P<0.05ꎬ P<0.01)ꎬ and the inhibition rates of compounds 4ꎬ 7ꎬ 10ꎬ and
18 at a concentration of 25 μmolL were 57.37%ꎬ 83.60%ꎬ 68.16%ꎬ 81.14%ꎬ respectively. Overallꎬ this study
enriches the chemical constituents of P. candolleanaꎬ and clarifies that flavonoids are the active ingredients in the course
of anti ̄inflammatoryꎬ which provides a theoretical reference for further research and exploitation of P. candolleana.
Key words: Pimpinella candolleanaꎬ chemical constituentsꎬ isolation and identificationꎬ RAW264.7 cellsꎬ anti ̄
inflammatory activity
杏叶防风( Pimpinella candolleana) 为伞 形 科 入了解杏叶防风化学成分ꎬ探究其抗炎活性物质ꎬ
(Umbelliferae)茴芹属( Pimpinella L.) 多年生草本 本研究对杏叶防风全草 70%乙醇提取物进行分离
植物ꎬ又名杏叶茴芹、山当归、骚羊古、蜘蛛香等ꎬ 纯化ꎬ分离并鉴定了 20 个化合物ꎬ并对其中的 18
为贵州民间常用草药之一ꎬ收载于« 贵州省中药 个化合物进行了抗炎活性测定ꎬ以期为杏叶防风
材、民族药材质量标准» (2003 版) 中ꎬ广泛分布在 的深入研究和开发利用提供科学依据ꎮ
我国广西及西南一带ꎮ 其味辛、微苦、性温ꎬ归肝、
肺、脾、胃经ꎬ以全草入药用于治疗上腹部疼痛、消 1 仪器与材料
化不良、痢疾和蛇咬伤等( 危英等ꎬ2005ꎻ赵超等ꎬ
2007)ꎬ在许多地方药志中均有记载ꎬ如« 贵阳民间 1.1 材料
药草»述其“温中散寒止痛ꎬ治中寒、发痧、胃痛、腹 药材:杏叶防风药材采收于贵州花溪高坡ꎬ经
痛”ꎬ«四川中药志» 记载其“ 消食健脾ꎬ截疟ꎻ用于 贵州中医药大学药学院孙庆文教授鉴定为伞形科
茴芹属植物杏叶防风(Pimpinella candolleana) 的干
近有用于治淋巴结结核”ꎮ 近年来该药已被研制 燥全草ꎮ 其凭证样品(20190901) 保存于贵州省药
用于治疗慢性乙型肝炎、脂肪乳致静脉炎等复方 物制剂重点实验室ꎮ
制剂(曾德祥ꎬ2007ꎻ孙霞ꎬ2016)ꎮ 目前ꎬ杏叶防风 细胞株:小鼠单核巨噬细胞 RAW264.7 购自
已分离鉴定的化学成分主要有黄酮类、甾醇类及 ATCC 中心ꎮ
挥发油类等( 梁光义等ꎬ2003ꎻ常星ꎬ2011ꎻ邢煜君 1.2 仪器
JEOL ̄ECS 400 MHz 核磁共振波谱仪( 日本电
对其化学成分的活性研究更少ꎬ除已报道的 α ̄葡 子株式会社)ꎻBruker AV ̄600 型超导核磁共振仪
萄糖苷 酶 抑 制 活 性、 抗 氧 化 活 性 及 抗 菌 活 性 外 (德国 Bruker 公司)ꎻACQUITY ̄UPLC ̄TQD 超高液
(Chang & Kangꎬ 2012)ꎬ未见该植物其他药理作用 相色谱 -三重四极杆串联质谱仪( 美国 Waters 公
的有关报道ꎬ其抗炎物质基础不明确ꎮ 因此ꎬ为深 司)ꎻ CO 细 胞 培 养 箱 ( Thermo scientific 公 司)ꎻ