Page 178 - 《广西植物》2023年第6期
P. 178
1 1 6 4 广 西 植 物 43 卷
antioxidant and antibacterial activities were evaluated and compared using in vitro methods. The results were as follows:
(1) A total of 94 volatile components were isolated and identified from the essential oils of leavesꎬ flowers and young
fruitsꎬ there were some differences between three partsꎬ of which 13 were common components. A total of 34 components
were identified from leavesꎬ and the major compounds were linalool (30.51%) and α ̄terpineol (14.78%)ꎻ a total of 32
components were identified from flowersꎬ the main components were linalool (57.59%) and d ̄limonene (16.15%)ꎻ a
total of 69 components were identified from young fruitsꎬ mainly containing d ̄limonene (25. 55%) and γ ̄terpene
(10.48%). (2) The essential oils from different parts showed different antioxidant activities. The IC values of essential
oils from young fruitsꎬ leaves and flowers to ABTS free radicals were 2.6ꎬ 5.1 and 8.2 mgmL ꎬ respectivelyꎬ and the
IC values to DPPH free radicals were 2.7ꎬ 4.3 and 5.0 mgmL ꎬ respectively. The antioxidant activity of young fruits
was better than that of leaves and flowers. (3) The essential oil from young fruits showed certain antibacterial activity
against Escherichia coliꎬ Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosaꎬ which was better than the leaves and
flowers. The results can provide a theoretical basis for the extraction and utilization of the essential oils from different
parts of Citrus aurantium var. amara.
Key words: Citrus aurantium var. amaraꎬ essential oilꎬ GC ̄MSꎬ antioxidant activityꎬ antibacterial activity
苦橙( Citrus aurantium var. amara) 为芸香科 囊ꎬ合成并储存具有独特芳香气味的挥发油ꎬ广泛
(Rutaceae)柑橘属常绿带刺小乔木ꎬ为酸橙( Citrus 应用于芳香治疗、食品加工、化妆品制备等领域
aurantium)的一个栽培变种ꎬ广泛种植于中国长江 (樊荣ꎬ2011)ꎮ 然而ꎬ苦橙药用部位主要是其未成
以南地区( 黄善松等ꎬ2016)ꎮ 作为中药枳实与枳 熟的果实ꎬ已有研究对苦橙叶和花中挥发油成分
壳的一个重要来源ꎬ苦橙具有理气宽中、行滞消 进行了分析ꎬ并进行了抗炎和抗菌活性比较ꎬ但其
胀、破气消积、化痰散痞之功效ꎮ 现代研究表明ꎬ 幼果的挥发油成分种类、相对含量和抗氧化活性
苦橙可用于焦虑症、肺癌和前列腺癌等多种疾病 尚不明确ꎬ而将其幼果作为挥发油提取原料也未
的治疗(Suntar et al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ叶一丹等ꎬ2019)ꎮ 芸 见报道ꎬ为了全面开发苦橙全植株ꎬ避免造成资源
香科植物普遍含有挥发油ꎬ主要成分为萜烯类、芳 浪费ꎬ从而达到综合开发其地上部分的目的ꎮ 本
香族、脂肪族和含硫含氮类化合物( 靖会和佐建
果的挥发油进行提取ꎬ并应用 GC ̄MS 分析其化学
中含有的芳樟醇、柠檬烯、甲酸芳樟酯、α ̄松油醇、
成分ꎻ通过 DPPH 法和 ABTS 法对苦橙不同部位挥
橙花醇、3 ̄蒈烯等成分(Ali et al.ꎬ 2015)ꎬ具有浓郁
于香料、日化和食品等方面( Stohsꎬ 2017)ꎬ已进入
美国食品香料和萃取物制造者协会( FEMA) 的食
准»纳入允许食品香料ꎮ 更为重要的是ꎬ从苦橙中 1 材料与方法
提取 到 的 具 有 独 特 芬 芳 气 味 的 橙 花 油 ( 又 名
1.1 材料和试剂
Neroli)ꎬ被 FDA 认定为 GRAS ( generally regarded
as safe) ꎬ在伊朗、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、埃
及、法国等地被用来缓解多种疼痛、抑郁、痉挛等 浙八味中药材市场ꎬ以上材料由桂林医学院黄德
症(Haj Ammar et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻChoi et al.ꎬ 2014)ꎮ 青副教授鉴定为苦橙(Citrus aurantium var. amara)
植物资源是指来源于植物的器官( 如根、茎、 的叶、花、幼果ꎮ
叶、花、果实、种子) 或植物的全株ꎮ 近年来ꎬ不少 试 剂: ABTS ( 纯 度 ≥ 98%)、 DPPH ( 纯 度 为
99%)、BHT(纯度为 99%) 均购自 Sigma ̄Aldrich 公
检测其成分和效用差异ꎬ以实现资源的全面利用ꎮ 司ꎻ琼脂粉购自成都科龙化学试剂有限公司ꎻ无水
柑橘属植物果实在外果皮的表层生长有大量油 乙醇购自南宁西陇化工有限责任公司ꎮ