Page 109 - 《广西植物》2023年第7期
P. 109

7 期                 周黎等: 除虫菊 TcALDH 和 TcGLIP 基因启动子克隆及功能分析                                 1 2 7 7

                 Abstract: Natural pyrethrin is a green botanical insecticide that extracted from the aboveground tissues of pyrethrum
                 (Tanacetum cinerariifolium). Aldehyde dehydrogenase (TcALDH) and GDSL lipase (TcGLIP) are key rate ̄limiting
                 enzymes involved in pyrethrin biosynthesis pathway in pyrethrum. The promoters of TcALDH and TcGLIP genes were
                 cloned from the genomic DNA of pyrethrum clone ‘W99’ in order to investigate the regulatory mechanism of these
                 genes. The regulatory elementsꎬ activityꎬ hormone specificity and tissue inducibility of the two promoters were analyzed
                 through bioinformatics analysisꎬ histochemical staining (GUS staining)ꎬ luciferase reportingꎬ and exogenous hormone
                 treatment. The results were as follows: (1) Using pyrethrum genomic DNA as a templateꎬ specific primers were used to
                 clone the pTcALDH and pTcGLIP fragments. The sequence lengths of pTcALDH and pTcGLIP were 2 848 and 1 343 bpꎬ
                 respectivelyꎬ and the promoter analysis software the PlantCARE predicted that they both contained multiple cis ̄elements
                 related to stress response and hormone signals. (2) The plant expression vectors fused by pTcALDH and pTcGLIP and
                 luciferase report gene were constructedꎬ and were transformed into tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) to analyse hormone
                 inducibility by observing the fluorescence imaging in tobacco leaves. The results demonstrated that the pTcALDH
                 displayed typical hormone inducibility of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and abscisic acid (ABA)ꎬ whereas the pTcGLIP
                 showed no response. (3) The tissue culture seedlings of pyrethrum ‘W99’ were treated with MeJA and ABAꎬ the
                 expression of TcALDH was up ̄regulated by ABA within 12 hꎬ and first increased and then decreased under MeJA
                 treatmentꎻ the expression of TcGLIP was down ̄regulated by ABA and MeJA. (4) We constructed the expression vectors
                 of pTcALDH and pTcGLIP fused with GUS reporters and transformed them into tobaccoꎬ then the transient transformation
                 of tobacco drived the expression of GUS gene and showed initiating activity. It was found that the pTcALDH expressed in
                 the glandsꎬ glandular hair heads and mesophyll of the leavesꎬ while the pTcGLIP was only expressed in the parenchyma
                 cell. These results indicated that the pTcALDH and pTcGLIP were tissue ̄specific promotersꎬ and the pTcALDH appeared
                 MeJA ̄inducible and ABA ̄inducible characteristics. This study provides a new insight into the regulatory mechanism of
                 TcALDH and TcGLIP genes involved in pyrethrin synthesis.
                 Key words: Tanacetum cinerariifoliumꎬ TcALDHꎬ TcGLIPꎬ promoterꎬ functional analysis

                除虫菊(Tanacetum cinerariifolium) 作为一种多           和 瓜 叶 酮 醇 ) 酯 化 形 成 ( Staudinger & Ruzicka
            年生菊科植物ꎬ几个世纪以来一直被用于提取绿色                             1924ꎻ Mossa et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 酸前体来源于萜烯途
            植物源杀虫剂除虫菊酯(Lybrand et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 其                径的质 体 甲 基 赤 藓 醇 ̄4 磷 酸 ( methylerythritol 4 ̄
            因提取于花头的除虫菊酯具有杀虫迅速、无富集易                             phosphateꎬ MEP)途径(Lybrand et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎬ酮醇
            降解、对哺乳动物毒性小、适用于敏感人群等特性ꎬ                            前体来源于茉莉酸类激素( jasmonatesꎬ JAas) 途径
            被广 泛 应 用 于 有 机 农 业 和 家 居 防 治 ( Nelsonꎬ             (Matsuda et al.ꎬ 2005)ꎮ 在除虫菊酯单萜合成模
            1974)ꎬ其花头还能够释放大量挥发性萜烯 ( E) ̄                        型中ꎬ两分子二甲基烯 丙 基 二 磷 酸 ( dimethylallyl
            beta ̄法尼烯 [(E) ̄beta ̄farneseneꎬ E bF]ꎬ 能够在田          pyrophosphateꎬ DMAPP)首先在腺体中依次由菊基
            间吸引瓢虫驱避蚜虫 ( Li et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ Li et al.ꎬ            二磷酸合成酶( chrysanthemyl diphosphate synthaseꎬ
            2021)ꎬ同时吸引大量授粉昆虫如食蚜蝇等(Zeng et                      CDS)、 乙 醇 脱 氢 酶 2 ( alcohol dehydrogenase 2ꎬ
            al.ꎬ 2021ꎻ 曾拓等ꎬ2021)ꎮ 因此ꎬ除虫菊也作为一                   ADH2)、 醛 脱 氢 酶 1 ( aldehyde dehydrogenase 1ꎬ
            种间作作物ꎬ在我国云南有广泛的应用( 周黎等ꎬ                            ALDH1)催化形成前体分子菊酸ꎬ随后菊酸被运输
            2022)ꎮ 全世界对除虫菊酯的需求较大ꎬ将其作为                          到腺体下方的皮下组织ꎬ最终在种子和果皮中被
            天然植物源杀虫剂以避免过度使用化学合成杀虫                              GDSL 脂肪酶( GDSL lipase proteinꎬ GLIP) 催化形
            剂(Suraweera et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 因此ꎬ如何提高除虫菊              成除虫 菊 酯ꎬ 后 被 胚 胎 吸 收 转 移 至 幼 苗 组 织 中
            酯的含量一直是除虫菊产业和基础研究的热点和                              (Kikuta et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻ Ramirez et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻ Xu et
            重点ꎮ                                                al.ꎬ 2018ꎻ Lybrand et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ Li et al.ꎬ 2022a)ꎮ
                 除虫菊酯在植物体内由单萜羧基部分( 菊酸                          TcALDH 参与除虫菊酸部分最后一步催化反应合
            和除虫菊酸) 和酮醇部分( 除虫菊酮醇、茉莉酮醇                           成菊酸 CoAꎬ菊酸 CoA 和酮醇则在 TcGLIP 的催化
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