Page 141 - 《广西植物》2023年第7期
P. 141

7 期                         骈永茹等: 巨大侧耳原生质体制备条件的优化                                         1 3 0 9

                 Abstract: In order to obtain the optimal conditions for the protoplast preparation of Pleurotus giganteusꎬ two strainsꎬ
                 PG46 and PG79ꎬ with different temperature typesꎬ were selected as materials to study the effects of five factors
                 (mycelial ageꎬ osmotic stabilizer typeꎬ lywallzyme concentrationꎬ enzymatic hydrolysis duration and enzymatic hydrolysis
                 temperature) based on single factor and orthogonal experimental methods. The results were as follows: (1) In the single
                 factor testꎬ the optimal conditions for the protoplast preparation of P. giganteus were mycelial culture for 5 dꎬ using 2.5%
                 lywallzyme with 0.6 molL mannitolꎬ incubated for 4 h at 32 ℃ (PG46) or 27-35 ℃ (PG79). (2) Orthogonal
                 experiment verified and optimized the single factor test results. Combination 2 ( mycelial age 5 dꎬ lywallzyme
                 concentration 2.5%ꎬ 0.6 molL mannitolꎬ incubated for 4 h at 32 ℃) could be used as the optimal condition for the
                                                                                            6        ̄1
                 protoplast preparation of PG46 and PG79 at the same timeꎬ and the protoplast yields were 11.22 × 10 CFUmL and
                        6         ̄1
                 7.28 × 10 CFUmL ꎬ respectively. (3) For F ̄testꎬ the influence degree of various factor on the protoplast preparation
                 were mycelial age>lywallzyme concentration>enzymatic hydrolysis temperature>enzymatic hydrolysis duration (PG46)ꎬ
                 and mycelial age>enzymatic hydrolysis duration>enzymatic hydrolysis temperature>lywallzyme concentration (PG79)ꎬ
                 respectively. In conclusionꎬ the protoplast preparation conditions of the two P. giganteus strains with different
                 temperature types were basically the sameꎬ and the effects of mycelial age on the protoplasts yield of the two strains were
                 the most significant. The results can lay a foundation for further cross ̄breedingꎬ genetic transformationꎬ whole genome
                 sequencing and promote the molecular genetics development of P. giganteus.
                 Key words: Pleurotus giganteusꎬ different temperature typesꎬ tropicsꎬ protoplast yieldꎬ preparation condition

                巨大侧耳(Pleurotus giganteus)ꎬ是国内开发的               et al.ꎬ 1993)、刺芹侧耳(Obatake et al.ꎬ 2003)、黄
            一种珍稀食用菌ꎬ其口感和风味独特ꎬ有猪肚般的                             白侧耳(Mizoguchi et al.ꎬ 2006)、灵芝( 李钦艳等ꎬ
            滑腻ꎬ因而具有商品名“猪肚菇”(董洪新等ꎬ2010ꎻ                         2016)、木耳( 崔玮洁等ꎬ2019) 和双孢蘑菇( 李良
            Karunarathna et al.ꎬ 2012)ꎮ 巨大侧耳营养丰富ꎬ              敏等ꎬ2020) 等多个食用菌物种中得到广泛研究ꎮ
            富含多糖、蛋白质、粗纤维等营养物质ꎬ并且具有                             崔玮洁等(2019)研究发现ꎬ原生质体的制备属于
            抗炎、抗肿瘤、抗真菌、保护肝脏等多种药用功效ꎬ                            一种酶促反应过程ꎬ其影响因素十分复杂ꎬ不同菌
            深受消费者喜爱( Phan et al.ꎬ 2014ꎻParavamsivam            株甚至同一菌株不同生理状态下ꎬ其原生质体制
            et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ 于海龙等(2021)研究发现ꎬ巨大侧                  备条件也不尽相同ꎮ 苏文英等(2020) 发现菌龄是
            耳环境适应性强、生物学转化率高ꎬ并且适宜在温                             原生质体制备的重要因素ꎬ玉木耳菌株在不同菌
            度较高的夏季栽培ꎬ对调节食用菌市场供应和反                              龄下ꎬ其原生质体制备条件存在较大差异ꎮ 彭智
            季节栽培ꎬ特别是热区食用菌生产具有重要意义ꎮ                             华等(2000)基于单一变量原则ꎬ对 1 株野生巨大
            随着栽培面积的不断扩大ꎬ巨大侧耳的遗传育种                              侧耳菌株的原生质体分离条件进行研究ꎬ发现原
            工作尤为重要( 吴碧君ꎬ2020)ꎮ 原生质体是指完                         生质体产量会受到酶解液、稳渗剂、菌龄和 pH 的
            整细胞去除细胞壁后ꎬ裸露出的一个具有生理功                              影响ꎬ并筛选到适宜的原生质体制备条件ꎬ但其制
            能的圆球体ꎬ仍含有整套的遗传信息ꎬ并且具有较                             备率和再生率仍不高ꎮ 邹彰毅和邓百万(2020)、
            好的生理活性ꎬ是食用菌分子遗传学研究的良好                              孙佳星等(2022)基于正交试验和响应面法ꎬ进一
            材料(Muralidhar & Pandaꎬ 2000))ꎮ 近年来ꎬ原生              步优化了单因素结果ꎬ分别获得了姬松茸和玉木

            质体单核化技术ꎬ已成功应用到食用菌生理生化、                             耳原生质体制备的最优条件ꎬ极大地提高了原生
            菌种复壮、遗传转化、遗传育种和全基因组测序等                             质体产量和质量ꎮ 可见ꎬ原生质体的制备受到多

            工 作 中 ( Dai et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ Sugano et al.ꎬ 2017ꎻ     种因素的影响ꎬ且各因素间的交互作用也十分重
            Raman et al.ꎬ 2021ꎻ刘海娟ꎬ2021)ꎬ极大地推进了                要ꎮ 然而ꎬ关于巨大侧耳原生质体制备的研究较
            食用菌研究的深入开展ꎮ 因此ꎬ对巨大侧耳原生                             少ꎬ各因素对原生质体产量的影响程度及各因素
            质体制备进行系统研究ꎬ有助于进一步推进巨大                              间的交互作用也尚不明确ꎬ在一定程度上限制了
            侧耳遗传育种工作的开展ꎮ                                       巨大侧耳遗传育种工作的快速发展ꎮ
                 目前ꎬ关于原生质体的制备在糙皮侧耳( Peng                           因此ꎬ本研究以前期筛选到的两株不同温型
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