Page 55 - 《广西植物》2023年第7期
P. 55

7 期                     刘涛等: 不同生境黑老虎根际和内生真菌多样性分析                                          1 2 2 3

            ( 1. Citrus Fruit Research Institute in Guizhou Provinceꎬ Guiyang 550100ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. College of Life Sciences and Medicineꎬ Zhejiang Sci ̄Tech Universityꎬ
                 Hangzhou 310018ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. Institute of Crop Germplasm Resourcesꎬ Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Guiyang 550100ꎬ China )

                 Abstract: Kadsura coccinea is a perennial vine medicinal plantꎬ and its growthꎬ developmentꎬ and authentic medicinal
                 qualities are affected by growing habitatꎬ rhizosphere soilꎬ and endophytic fungi. In order to explore the composition and
                 diversity of fungal community in K. coccinea under different habitatsꎬ as well as their correlations with soil environmental
                 factorsꎬ the rhizosphere and root endophytic fungi of K. coccinea from three different habitats in Guizhou were studied
                 based on Illumina high ̄throughput sequencing method. The results were as follows: (1) Under three habitatsꎬ the
                 number of OTU detected in rhizosphere soil (3 867) was much more than that in root endophyte (801). The common
                 OTU of rhizosphere soil was 72ꎬ which were annotated to 5 phyla and 49 generaꎬ most of which were ascomycetes. At the
                 genus levelꎬ the proportions of Mortierellaꎬ Exophialaꎬ and Cylindrocarpon were relatively high. The common OTU of
                 root endophytic fungi was 14ꎬ which were annotated to 2 phylums and 11 genera. Ascomycetes (13ꎬ accounting for
                 92.9%) were overwhelmingly dominant. At the genus levelꎬ Mortierellaꎬ Exophialaꎬ Cylindrocarpon and Nectria were
                 dominant genra. There were only 6 OTU in totalꎬ annotated to 2 phylums and 5 generaꎬ and the ascomycetes phylum (5ꎬ
                 accounting for 83.3%) were the dominant phylum. At the genus levelꎬ Exophiala (2ꎬ 33.3%) accounted for the highest
                 proportion and the rest were Mortierellaꎬ Cylindrocarpon and Nectriaꎬ respectively. Alpha diversity analysis showed that
                 the diversity and richness of fungal communities in rhizosphere soil were significantly higher than those in root endophytic
                 fungiꎬ while the diversity of fungi under wild habits was higher than that under cultivated habits. (2) At the phylum
                 levelꎬ the main endophytic fungal groups under three habitats were Ascomycota and Basidiomycotaꎬ accounting for
                 88.28% of the total flora. At the genus levelꎬ the community structures of endophytic fungi in rhizosphere and root were
                 significantly different under different habitats. The endophytic fungi flora in the root had a certain preference under the
                 cultivation habitatꎬ while the evenness under the wild habitat was higher than that under cultivation habitat. The
                 prediction functions of fungal community based on FUNGuild showed that pathotroph ̄saprotroph type in the root
                 endophytic fungi was relatively high under the cultural habitꎬ while the proportion of saprophytic type and symbiotroph
                 type was relatively high under the wild habit. (3) Soil environmental factors had different effects on root endophytic fungi
                 and rhizosphere fungi in K. coccinea. Total potassium (TK) and total phosphorus (TP) in soil were positively correlated
                 with Shannon index and Simpson index of endophytic fungi in K. coccinea rootꎻ whereasꎬ soil organic matter (SOM)ꎬ
                 total nitrogen ( TN) and available nitrogen ( AN) were positively correlated with Ace index and Chao1 index of
                 rhizosphere soil fungi. In conclusionꎬ SOMꎬ TN and AN are the main soil environmental factors affecting the rhizosphere
                 soil fungal community of the K. coccinea.
                 Key words: Kadsura coccineaꎬ ITSꎬ Illumina high ̄throughput sequencingꎬ fungal communityꎬ soil environmental
                 factorsꎬ diversity

                 黑 老 虎 ( Kadsura coccinea) 隶 属 五 味 子 科         态平衡(Jia et al.ꎬ 2016ꎻLu et al.ꎬ 2021)ꎮ 植物内
            (Schisandraceae)南五味子属( Kadsura)ꎬ其果实富               生真菌生活在宿主体内ꎬ不会引起宿主明显病症ꎬ
            含多种氨基酸、维生素 C、粗蛋白质、可溶性糖等营                           与宿主协同进化ꎬ利用宿主营养供自身需要ꎬ同时
            养成分ꎬ是一种历史悠久的民间药材植物ꎮ 近年                             在植物生长发育、增强逆境抵抗能力和生物系统
            来ꎬ黑老虎因丰富的营养和独特的风味而深受消费                             演化等方面发挥重要作用( Huang et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ
            者的欢迎ꎬ在贵州黔东南、湖北恩施及湖南通道等                             此外ꎬ内生真菌在与宿主的长期相互作用中ꎬ通过
            南方地区ꎬ作为一种新型特色水果ꎬ成为脱贫致富                             影响和调节宿主次生代谢产物的合成及累积影响
            的林下产业(刘涛等ꎬ2009ꎻ高渐飞等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 黑老                      宿主活性物质的分布和含量ꎬ或可以产生与宿主
            虎在医药、保健食品及食品领域展现出广阔的应用                             植物类似的次生代谢物ꎬ广泛应用于农学、医学、

            前景(Sritalahareuthai et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ王丽军等ꎬ2021)ꎮ       工业和生物技术等领域(Tiwari & Baeꎬ 2022)ꎮ 根
                 植物宿主与内生真菌、根际土壤真菌交互作                           际真菌一方面利用植物中的碳水化合物进行生长
            用ꎬ形成复杂的调控网络ꎬ共同维持生态系统的动                             发育ꎬ在有机质转化、碳-氮循环和促进土壤环境
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