Page 34 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 34
1 3 7 6 广 西 植 物 43 卷
the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agricultureꎬ and the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
Framework for the Sharing of Influenza Viruses and Access to Vaccines and Other Benefitsꎬ with particular focus on its
accessꎬ useꎬ and benefit ̄sharing process. Since 2016ꎬ fruitful discussions have been made among stakeholders about
DSI’s access and useꎬ albeit disagreements remain in some areasꎬ examples of which are the connotation and denotation
of the placeholder termꎬ DSI’ s relevance to genetic resourcesꎬ the definition of open accessꎬ the monitoring of DSI
use. Through analytical research of DSI itself and controversies arising from itꎬ we come to the following observations:
Science advice alone is not enough to mitigate the differences originating from the conflict of interests between
stakeholdersꎻ DSI’s placeholder status has made the fulfillment of the benefit ̄sharing obligation to it more complexꎻ The
large variety of domestic regulations around DSI that exist in parties implies that the setup of a feasibleꎬ multilateral
international system is no easy taskꎻ An approach that coordinates different framework conventions is urgently needed to
tackle the ongoing challenges facing DSI. To effectively cope with the challenges and opportunities brought by DSI’ s
access and useꎬ Chinaꎬ as a major provider and user of DSI in the worldꎬ should intensify efforts made in the following
four areas: (1) Fundamental researches on DSIꎻ to this endꎬ we should encourage the adoption of interdisciplinary
approaches in DSI research and introduce pilot demonstration projects on access to and benefit ̄sharing of DSIꎻ (2) The
timely establishment of biological data administration systemꎻ we should construct a comprehensive system of biological
resource data made up of crucial components including classificationꎬ convergenceꎬ sharingꎬ researchꎬ utilizationꎬ cross ̄
border transmissionꎬ and benefit ̄sharingꎻ (3) Infrastructure development that increase the opennessꎬ safetyꎬ sharingꎬ
and reciprocity of the production and storage of global biological resource dataꎻ we should strengthen international
cooperation in this regardꎻ (4) Better use of the cross ̄departmental coordination mechanism that involves organizations
represented by the China National Committee for Biodiversity Conservation (CNCBC)ꎬ we should continue to increase
the synergy effects originated from China’s greater participation in international fora on DSI.
Key words: Convention on Biological Diversityꎬ Nagoya Protocolꎬ genetic resourcesꎬ digital sequence informationꎬ
access and benefit ̄sharing
所谓遗传资源数字序列信息( digital sequence 生产疫苗( Suphaphiphat et al.ꎬ 2016)ꎮ 由于以生
information on genetic resourcesꎬ DSI)ꎬ目前虽然尚 命科学发展和生物技术进步为核心驱动力的生物
未有公认的定义ꎬ但至少包括 DNA、RNA 等遗传 经济正在成为未来大国科技、经济、安全战略的核
物质的序列信息和天然产物化学结构信息等ꎬ是 心内容ꎬDSI 俨然已经成为生物产业一种新兴的生
在基因组学(genomics)、蛋白质组学( proteomics)、 产要素ꎬ因此 DSI 获取和利用以及由此产生的利
代谢组学( metabonomics) 等生命科学前沿学科快 益分配问题已经成为« 生物多样性公约» ( 以下简
速发展的推动下ꎬ生物科学、信息科学和计算机科 称«公约»)的热点和焦点ꎮ
DSI 可以应用于合成生物学、工业生产、医疗卫生 1 « 公约» DSI 磋商进展
和农业等多领域ꎮ 从生物多样性的研究视角ꎬ其
可被用于生物多样性的描述和识别、防治病虫害 «公约»及其«关于获取遗传资源和公正和公
及生物入侵的早期防控、理解传粉模式、监测生境 平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书» (以下
变化、跟踪非法贸易及保持作物遗传多样性、应对 简称« 议定书») 建立了以国家主权、事先知情同
健康突发事件等( 李保平和薛达元ꎬ2019)ꎮ 以医 意、共同商定条件下公平分享惠益为基础的遗传
疗卫生领域为例ꎬ采用合成基因组技术ꎬ能够利用 资源获取与惠益分享制度( 薛达元ꎬ2011ꎻ赵富伟ꎬ
开放获取的 DSI 迅速且准确地合成具有生物活性 2022)ꎮ 这为通常作为遗传资源提供国的广大发
的流感病毒( Dormitzer et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎬ并且这种合 展中国家保护其遗传资源ꎬ并公平分享惠益提供
成病毒在抗原相似性、稳定性和生产时间上比利 了明晰的国际法依据ꎮ 测序技术的出现和大规模
用实验室动物培养的流感病毒更有优势ꎬ更适合 应用ꎬ使得 DSI 的生产与运用得以实现ꎬ甚至可能