Page 42 - 《广西植物》2023年第8期
P. 42

1 3 8 4                                广  西  植  物                                         43 卷
                 Abstract: Biological culture is of great significance to the conservation of biodiversity. The formation and development of
                 botanical gardens have reflected the plant culture which formed by human beings due to material and spiritual needs in
                 history. Modern botanical gardens have made outstanding achievements in plant ex ̄situ protectionꎬ while the plant culture
                 construction is still a little insufficient. In the process of global biodiversity conservationꎬ the important roles of
                 traditional culture in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological resources have been increasingly
                 valued. At this backgroundꎬ this study emphasized the close connection and co ̄evolution relationship between biocultural
                 diversity and biodiversityꎬ and reviewed the implication of plant culture in early botanical gardens and Chinese classical
                 gardens. And through the analysis of the main functions of 3 085 modern botanical gardens around the worldꎬ we found
                 that only 7.36% of botanical gardens carried out ethnobotanical researchꎬ while 11.18% carried out conservation biology
                 researchꎬ and 17.18% worked out a plant conservation programmeꎬ which revealed the improvement of the protection
                 function and the weakening of the cultural function of modern botanical gardens. Based on the demand for the
                 construction of plant culture in the effective protection of plant diversity in the current botanical gardenꎬ this study
                 further analyzed the deficiencies of plant culture construction in botanical gardens in Chinaꎬ including: (1) insufficient
                 plant culture information data in plant species diversity informationꎻ (2) lack of consideration of benefit ̄sharing of
                 traditional knowledge in biodiversity conservationꎻ ( 3 ) lack of theme parks that display plant diversity with
                 culture. Focused on the goal of plant diversity conservation and management in the China national botanical gardenꎬ we
                 put forward the following suggestions on plant culture construction in the China national botanical garden system from
                 three aspectsꎬ in order to provide a reference for the construction of a national botanical garden system with the
                 characteristics of Chinese ecological civilization. Plant diversity protection and utilization: to strengthen the consideration
                 of plant culture in the construction of plant diversity information and germplasm resource bankꎬ encourage ethnobotanical
                 research. Benefit ̄sharing: to establish access and benefit ̄sharing ( ABS) standard procedures covering traditional
                 knowledge to ensure fair and equitable benefit ̄sharing. Public participation: to consider display the regionality and
                 uniqueness in China national botanical gardenꎬ and add ethnic plant culture theme parks or exhibition halls.
                 Key words: plant cultureꎬ traditional knowledgeꎬ ethnobotanyꎬ benefit ̄sharingꎬ China national botanical garden

                广义的文化是指人类创造的一切物质产品和                            1992 年)第 8(j)条鼓励每一个缔约方国家“ 尊重、
            精神产品的总和ꎮ 植物文化是文化中与植物相关                             保存和维护土著和地方社区体现传统生活方式而
            的部分ꎬ是人类给植物赋予的文化属性ꎮ 其概念涉                            与生物多样性的保护和可持续利用相关的知识、
            及民族植物学、药用植物学、园艺、自然美学、环境                            创新和实践ꎬ 并促进其广泛应用”ꎬ并在« 名古屋
            伦理学、植物分类学、植物解剖学、植物地理学等                             议定书» 中更加体现了对传统知识的尊重( 张渊
            (刘华杰ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 植物文化是我国传统文化的重要                        媛ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 2022 年« 公约» 第十五次缔约方大会

            组成部分ꎬ自古以来许多植物物种通过诗歌、绘画、                            形成的«昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架» 中
            雕刻等文化艺术形式来展现ꎬ植物物种本身被作为                             明确提到“将把生物多样性、生物多样性的保
            人类品德的隐喻ꎬ如寓意为道德高尚“岁寒三友”的                            护、其组成部分的可持续利用以及公平和公平地
            松、竹、梅ꎬ以及“ 花中四君子” 的梅、兰、竹、菊( 陈                       分享利用遗传资源所产生的惠益放在可持续发展
            阳ꎬ 2021ꎻ 李文等ꎬ 2021ꎻ 龙春林ꎬ 2022)ꎮ 我国民                议程的核心ꎬ同时认识到生物多样性和文化多样
            族植物学的发展和研究成果更是从礼仪植物、观赏                             性之间的重要联系”ꎬ其中 3 个行动目标涉及“ 传
            植物、植物崇拜、饮食文化、传统医药文化等方面展                            统知识”、7 个行动目标涉及“ 土著人民和地方社

            示了植物文化多样性(程卓等ꎬ 2022)ꎮ                              区”ꎬ全文共有 8 处使用了“ 传统知识”、20 处使用
                 在全球生物多样性保护体系中ꎬ文化与传统                           了“土著人民和地方社区” 的表述ꎮ « 全球植物保
            知识ꎬ以及利用这种知识所产生的遗传资源惠益                              护战略»(2011—2020)的目标 9 和目标 13 分别提
            获取与惠益分享紧密关联ꎮ 国际公约和相关协定                             到了“尊重、保留和维持相关的土著和地方知识”
            明确了 文 化 在 生 物 多 样 性 保 护 层 面 的 重 要 性ꎮ               以及“酌情维持或加强同植物资源有关的地方知
            «生物 多 样 性 公 约» ( 以 下 简 称 « 公 约») ( CBDꎬ            识创新和做法”对于植物资源的重要意义ꎮ 可见ꎬ
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