Page 144 - 《广西植物》2024年第12期
P. 144

2 3 0 2                                广  西  植  物                                         44 卷
                ( 1. College of Horticulture and Landscapeꎬ Yunnan Agricultural Universityꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. National Research Center for
                   Ornamental Horticulture Engineeringꎬ Flower Research Instituteꎬ Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciencesꎬ Kunming 650205ꎬ
                              Chinaꎻ 3. Institute of Caulis dendrobii Longling Countyꎬ Baoshan 678300ꎬ Yunnanꎬ China )

                 Abstract: In order to investigate the characteristics and release pattern of volatile components during flowering of
                 Dendrobium chrysotoxum. In this studyꎬ solid ̄phase microextraction (SPME) combined with GC ̄MS was used to detect
                 the volatile components of D. chrysotoxum in four periods: bud periodꎬ first ̄flowering periodꎬ full ̄flowering period and
                 last ̄flowering periodꎬ and four parts of the labellumꎬ sepalsꎬ petals and pistil column in full ̄flowering periodꎬ and on the
                 basis of this analysisꎬ we carried out the analysis of principal components and the pattern of fragrance release. The results
                 were as follows: (1) A total of 29 volatile components were detected in the four periods of D. chrysotoxumꎬ consisting of
                 13 alkenesꎬ 6 alcoholsꎬ 2 aldehydesꎬ 2 estersꎬ 2 alkanesꎬ 1 phenolꎬ 1 acid and 1 otherꎻ a total of 39 volatile components
                 were detected in the 4 parts of D. chrysotoxum during the full ̄flowering periodꎬ consisting of 15 alkenesꎬ 9 alcoholsꎬ 4
                 alkanesꎬ 3 estersꎬ 3 ketonesꎬ 2 aldehydesꎬ 2 others and 1 acid. (2) The volatile components and content in D.
                 chrysotoxum gradually increase and then decrease during the whole process from full ̄flowering to decayingꎬ and there are
                 up to 22 volatile components in the full ̄flowering periodꎬ mainly alkenes and esters. ( 3) A total of 7 volatile
                 componentsꎬ namelyꎬ octyl acetateꎬ ocimeneꎬ ( +) ̄α ̄pineneꎬ ( ̄) ̄β ̄pineneꎬ lauroleneꎬ d ̄limonene and 1 ̄octanolꎬ
                 were important volatile components in D. chrysotoxum. Among themꎬ octyl acetate and ocimene were the most released in
                 the full ̄flowering periodꎬ which accounted for 31.74% and 24.98% of the total contentꎬ and the contents of acetic acidꎬ
                 octyl ester were detected in the three periods of budꎬ first ̄flowering and full ̄floweringꎬ and the content was higherꎻ (+) ̄
                 α ̄pineneꎬ ( ̄) ̄β ̄pineneꎬ myrceneꎬ d ̄limonene and 1 ̄octanol were detected only in the first ̄flowering and full ̄flowering
                 periods and their contents increased gradually with the opening of the flowers. (4) The types and contents of volatile
                 components released from different parts of D. chrysotoxum also varied. The main odoriferous parts were petals and
                 sepalsꎬ with 29 types of volatile components detected in sepalsꎬ 20 types of volatile components in petalsꎬ with the
                 highest total content of 5 754.26 ngg . In conclusionꎬ this study shows that the volatile components released by
                 different flowering periods and different parts of D. chrysotoxum are differentꎬ and the results of this study lay a
                 theoretical foundation for developing industry of daily chemical products of D. chrysotoxum flower.
                 Key words: floral scentꎬ Dendrobium chrysotoxumꎬ SPMEꎬ floral fragrance release patternꎬ volatile components

                石斛属( Dendrobium) 为兰科第二大属ꎬ约有                    石斛属作为兰科第二大属ꎬ已有学者测定了部分
            1 500种植物( 吉占和等ꎬ1999)ꎬ生长于热带和亚                       石斛属植物的 VOCsꎬ其中美花石斛和铁皮石斛主

            热带地区ꎬ是多年生气生草本植物或附生植物ꎮ                              要挥发性成分为萜烯( Wang et al.ꎬ2022ꎻ颜沛沛
            鼓槌石斛为石斛属顶叶组ꎬ主要分布于中国云南                              等ꎬ2022)ꎬ罗河石斛和密花石斛主要挥发性成分
            西南部、印度东北部、老挝、缅甸、泰国、越南ꎬ附生                           为酯类和烷类(李崇晖等ꎬ2015)ꎬ重唇石斛中酮类
            于常绿阔叶林中( 黄昕蕾ꎬ2018)ꎮ 鼓槌石斛花色                         含量最多(颜沛沛等ꎬ2022)ꎮ 吴君楠等(2024) 研
            艳丽ꎬ花期较长ꎬ具有芳香气味ꎬ是研究石斛挥发                             究发现ꎬ石斛、肿节石斛、大苞鞘石斛、玫瑰石斛、

            性成分的优秀植物材料ꎮ                                        杯鞘石斛和流苏石斛主要挥发性成分均为萜烯
                 花香是观赏植物重要的观赏性状之一ꎬ相对                           类ꎮ 王培育等(2022) 研究发现ꎬ报春石斛主要挥
            于无香植物ꎬ芳香植物在满足人们视觉要求的同                              发性成分为酯类ꎬ福尔摩森石斛、黑金石斛、晶帽
            时ꎬ还能带来嗅觉的享受ꎬ挥发性化合物的数量和                             石斛、金钗石斛、口袋情人石斛和龙石斛的主要挥
            类型 是 影 响 花 香 品 质 的 重 要 指 标 ( 丁 丽 琼 等ꎬ              发性成分均为萜烯类ꎮ 张聪等(2017) 测定了云南
            2023)ꎬ也是影响石斛商业价值的关键因素ꎮ 花香                          产细茎石斛的挥发性成分ꎬ发现长链烷烃含量最
            是花朵释放的所有挥发性代谢物的总称ꎬ通常由                              多ꎮ 王元成等(2020)测定了翅梗石斛和细叶石斛
            一系列低分子挥发性有机化合物( volatile organic                   花的挥发性成分ꎬ两种石斛主要挥发性成分均为
            compoundsꎬ VOCs) 组 成 ( Dudareva et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎮ     烯烃类ꎮ 本课题组张钰莹等(2024) 分析了球花石
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