Page 73 - 《广西植物》2023年第1期
P. 73
1 期 徐碧林等: 蕲艾内生细菌的分离鉴定及抑菌活性分析 6 9
Abstract: The composition of endophytic bacteria in different tissues of Artemisia argyi var. argyi ‘Qiai’ꎬ and the
antibacterial activities of their secondary metabolites were the main focus of this study. The tissue culture method was
used to isolate the endophytic bacteria from rootsꎬ stems and leaves of Artemisia argyi var. argyi ‘Qiai’ and thenꎬ the
antibacterial activity of the volatiles from endophytic bacterial fermentation broth against six common pathogenic bacteria
was assayed by the disk diffusion test. Meanwhileꎬ the minimum inhibitory concentrations(MICs) and the minimum
bactericidal concentrations ( MBCs) were also determined. Finallyꎬ the isolated strains were identified based on
phenotypical and biochemical properties as well as 16S rRNA gene sequencing.The results showed thatꎬ (1)among the
thirteen strains isolatedꎬ strains lzy ̄21ꎬ lzy ̄20 and lzy ̄1 have strong capacity of producing cellulaseꎬ protease and lipase
respectively. (2)The MICs of the volatiles of lzy ̄20 and wnn4 ̄3 to Escherichia coliꎬ Enterobacter aerogenes and Bacillus
 ̄1  ̄1  ̄1
subtilis were all 16 μg mL . The MBCs of the them were 32ꎬ 32ꎬ 16 μg mL and 16ꎬ 32ꎬ 32 μg mL ꎬ
respectively. (3)The MICs of lzy ̄12 against Staphylococcus aureus and Yersinia enterocolitica were 16 μgmL ꎬ and the
 ̄1  ̄1
MBCs of them were 32 μgmL and 16 μgmL ꎬ respectively. (4) The MICs of both lzy ̄17 and lzy ̄21 against
 ̄1  ̄1  ̄1
Y. enterocolitica were 16 μgmL ꎬ and the MBCs were 16 μgmL and 32 μgmL respectively. Strain lzy ̄1 was
identified as Acinetobacter pittiiꎬ which was isolated from plants for the first time. lzy ̄20ꎬ lzy ̄21ꎬ wnn4 ̄3ꎬ lzy ̄12ꎬ and
lzy ̄17 were identified as Bacillus altitudinisꎬ B. koreensisꎬ B. siamensisꎬ Luteibacter pinisoliꎬ and Paenarthrobacter
nicotinovoransꎬ respectively. The above results lay a foundation for making full use of endophytic bacteria resources to
produce industrial enzymesꎬ and further exploring the mechanisms of how endophytic bacteria interact with Artemisia
argyi var. argyi ‘Qiai’.
Key words: Artemisia argyi var. argyi ‘ Qiai ’ꎬ endophytic bacteriaꎬ enzyme ̄productionꎬ antibacterial activityꎬ
16s rDNA
植物内生菌是指生活史中某一阶段或整个阶 草纲目»中就有对蕲艾的推崇:“( 艾叶) 自成化以
段定殖在植物各组织器官或细胞间隙内的一类对 来ꎬ则以蕲州者为胜ꎬ用充方物ꎬ天下重之”ꎬ谓之
植物自身不引起明显病害症状的微生物ꎬ包括内生 “蕲艾” ( Artemisia argyi var. argyi ‘ Qiai’)ꎮ 肖宇
细菌、内生真菌和内生放线菌等(Matsumoto et al.ꎬ 硕等(2018)对蕲艾及不同产地艾叶挥发油进行了
2017ꎻ Uzma et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 对内生菌与宿主植物的 一系列的比较研究ꎬ结果发现不同产地艾叶挥发
相互影响研究表明ꎬ它们对植物本身具有促进生 性成分有 一 定 差 异ꎬ其 中 蕲 艾 品 质 最 好ꎮ 此 外ꎬ
长、增强抗逆性、生物防治和生物修复等有益的生 Xiang 等(2018)的研究还发现蕲艾挥发油具有较
物学功能 ( Giauque et al.ꎬ 2019ꎻ De Lamo et al.ꎬ 好的抑菌和杀菌活性ꎮ
2020ꎻ El ̄Sayed et al.ꎬ 2020ꎻ He et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ 不仅 近年来ꎬ关于蕲艾的种植、提取液、化学组分、
如此ꎬ药用植物内生菌还会获得与宿主相同的部分 药理作用及艾灸和艾贴等产品开发研究得较多ꎬ对
代谢途径ꎬ从而合成与宿主相同或相似的、具有潜 蕲艾内生菌的研究报道较少ꎮ Shi 等(2017)从蕲艾
在的抗菌、抗虫、抗癌、抗病毒、抗氧化、免疫制剂、 艾叶中分离得到内生真菌 Trichoderma koningiopsis
降糖等生物活性的次生代谢产物 ( Gouda et al.ꎬ QA ̄3ꎬ并从其发酵液中成功分离鉴定出具有抗菌活
2016ꎻ 黄敬瑜等ꎬ 2017ꎻ Nongkhlaw et al.ꎬ 2017)ꎮ 性的 5 种新型真菌多酮类化合物和 2 种已知的酮类
因此ꎬ充分发掘药用植物内生菌具有广阔的应用 类似物ꎮ 目前还尚未见对蕲艾内生细菌的相关报
前景ꎮ 道ꎮ 本研究分别从蕲艾的根、茎和叶中分离内生细
艾草(Artemisia argyi)隶属于菊科(Compositae) 菌ꎬ从微生物的分离、形态、生理生化特征、分子生
艾属(Artemisia)ꎬ是一种功能性药用植物( Song et 物学鉴定和发酵液抑菌活性入手ꎬ探讨蕲艾内生细
al.ꎬ 2019)ꎮ 蕲艾为湖北省蕲春县特产ꎬ中国国家 菌对常见的人类病原菌的抗菌作用及其产酶特性ꎬ
地理标志产品ꎬ湖北省道地药材ꎬ具有护肝、抗肿 旨为探寻有效拮抗微生物资源以及蕲艾的进一步
瘤、抗 菌、 镇 痛、 抗 炎 等 多 种 药 理 作 用 ( 洪 宗 国ꎬ 开发利用提供理论依据ꎬ为充分利用内生菌资源生
2015ꎻ Dong et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 明代医圣李时珍在« 本 产工业用酶提供参考ꎮ