Volume ,Issue 5,2010 Table of Contents

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Extraction and analysis of volatile constituents from testa of rare and endangered plant Kmeria septentrionalis
  HUANG PinXian1, ZHOU YongHong2, LAI JiaYe3, LI WeiGuang2, LIU XiongMin2
  2010(5):691-695 [Abstract(4021)]  [View PDF 317.41 K (1415)]   [HTML]
Chemical constituents of volatile oils in Chrysosplenium cavaleriei, C.macrophyllum and C.davidianum
  DOU QuanLi1, ZHANG RenBo1, ZHANG SuYing2, HE Lin1
  2010(5):696-701 [Abstract(4162)]  [View PDF 396.57 K (1448)]   [HTML]
Monomer ginsenosides dynamic change of reproductive organs of Panax ginseng
  LIU ShengQun1, XU HaiBo2, LI ChunLong3, REN YueYing4
  2010(5):702-706 [Abstract(3576)]  [View PDF 394.08 K (1444)]   [HTML]
Determination of zilanine contents in extracts of Peristrophe baphica by Micellar Eletrokinetic Capillary Chromatography (MECC)
  LI Juan, XIE YunChang*, JIANG XiaoHua
  2010(5):707-709 [Abstract(3801)]  [View PDF 217.31 K (1485)]   [HTML]
Determination of Three Alkaloids of Zanthoxylum nitidum var.fastuosum Using TLCS
  OUYANG XiLin1, OU ShangYao1, WANG ChaoYang2, ZHANG XiaoPu1, LUO ZhaoHui1, WANG HengShan1
  2010(5):710-712 [Abstract(3427)]  [View PDF 306.76 K (1423)]   [HTML]


Morphology of the bracts of Elatostema(Urticaceae)and the evolutionary trends in them
  Wang Wen-Tsai
  2010(5):571-583 [Abstract(3666)]  [View PDF 1.09 M (1524)]   [HTML]
Microsporogenesis and the development of male gametophyte in Swertia bimaculata
  HUANG HengYu, LONG Hua, YI TingTing, LI Li
  2010(5):584-593 [Abstract(4446)]  [View PDF 3.58 M (1284)]   [HTML]
Genetic diversity assessment of Saccharum species and elite cultivars from China using SSR Markers
  LIANG Jun1234, PAN YongBao6, LI YangRui1245*, FANG FengXue234, WU KaiChao1234, YOU JianHua234
  2010(5):594-600 [Abstract(3851)]  [View PDF 438.25 K (1537)]   [HTML]
Genetic diversity of Gnetum parvifolium of Fujian by ISSR Markers
  HUANG ShuBo1, HU YongHong2, WU Dong1, TIAN Qi2, LI HongQing1
  2010(5):601-607 [Abstract(4071)]  [View PDF 521.25 K (1657)]   [HTML]
Sequence analysis of 16SrDNA of Huanglongbing agents collected from China and Vietnam
  DENG ChongLing1, CHEN ChuanWu1, ZHAO XiaoLong2, CHEN GuoPing1*, DENG GuangZhou1, WANG MingZhao1
  2010(5):608-612 [Abstract(4187)]  [View PDF 393.24 K (1536)]   [HTML]
Aspidistra connata H.J.Tillich,a newly recorded species of Aspidistra(Ruscaceae)from China
  XU WeiBin1, HUANG YuSong12, YE XiaoXia12, LIU Yan1*
  2010(5):613-615 [Abstract(3565)]  [View PDF 992.29 K (1576)]   [HTML]
A preliminary report on Myxomycetes from Guizhou Province
  DAI Qun, CHEN ShuangLin*, CHEN Ping, XU MeiQin, ZHOU SongLin
  2010(5):616-620 [Abstract(4645)]  [View PDF 377.46 K (1523)]   [HTML]
Adaptation of anatomical structures of the leaves of Saussurea stella Maxim to the alpine environment
  SHI HaiYan1, WANG YiFeng2*, GAO HongYan3
  2010(5):621-625 [Abstract(4308)]  [View PDF 428.50 K (1451)]   [HTML]
Study on endomycorrhiza of cultivated Dendrobium officanale
  CAO Bin1, LIAO YueKui2, HE KaiJia1, ZHOU Jun1, SITU BaiXing3, LAI QiRui1
  2010(5):626-628 [Abstract(3629)]  [View PDF 259.33 K (1494)]   [HTML]


Community structure and regeneration types of dominant species in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Mount Beishan of Jinhua, China
  QIU ZhiJun12, LIU Peng12*, LIU ChunSheng12, GAO JianGuo12
  2010(5):629-635 [Abstract(3890)]  [View PDF 522.49 K (1536)]   [HTML]
Photosynthetic responses of Phyllostachys edulis‘Pachyloen’to doubled CO2 concentration
  SHI JianMin, YANG GuangYao, YANG QingPei, FANG Kai, LI Jian
  2010(5):636-640 [Abstract(3673)]  [View PDF 386.91 K (1503)]   [HTML]
Phenotypic plasticity and modular biomass of invasive Parthenium hysterophorus in different habitats in south China
  PU GaoZhong1, TANG SaiChun1*, PAN YuMei1, WEI ChunQiang1, CEN YanXi12
  2010(5):641-646 [Abstract(3728)]  [View PDF 559.22 K (1563)]   [HTML]
Growth characteristics of Taxus chinensis var.mairei under different cultivation conditions
  LI XinLei, LI JiYuan, FAN ZhengQi, TIAN Min, ZHANG XiaoQing
  2010(5):647-650 [Abstract(4371)]  [View PDF 370.74 K (1565)]   [HTML]
Study on the seed dispersal and secondary succession of Shek Kwu Chau, Hong Kong
  CHEN Lin12, WU YanFang12, CHEN DingRu3, XING FuWu1
  2010(5):651-656 [Abstract(4704)]  [View PDF 515.79 K (1597)]   [HTML]
Analysis of diversity of endophytic fungi in two mangrove plants in Hainan Province
  LIU AiRong12, ZHANG Yang1, NIU LiHong1, FAN XuZhe1, LIN XiaoMin1, XU Tong2
  2010(5):657-660 [Abstract(4358)]  [View PDF 297.80 K (1384)]   [HTML]


Effects of Glomus versiforme on active oxygen metabolism of Poncirus trifoliate under iron deficiency and heavy bicarbonate stress
  WANG MingYuan1, XIA RenXue2
  2010(5):661-665 [Abstract(4042)]  [View PDF 379.20 K (1503)]   [HTML]
Effects of SNP and cPTIO on physiology of Arabidopsis seedling under NaCl stress
  WU Jia1, YANG HongYu1*, YANG MingZhi2, LI Xiang3, XIA ShaoLei3
  2010(5):666-671 [Abstract(4135)]  [View PDF 440.83 K (1647)]   [HTML]
Effects of nitric oxide on seed germination and physiological reaction of maize seedlings under water stress
  CHEN YinPing, TAO Ling, YANG Li, WANG Hui, SI XianPei
  2010(5):672-677 [Abstract(4216)]  [View PDF 429.09 K (1462)]   [HTML]
Analysis on nutritional components and poisonous elements in the leaf of six colorleaved plants
  ZHANG Ying, LI XinLei, LI JiYuan, FAN ZhengQi, TIAN Min, CHEN Sheng
  2010(5):678-681 [Abstract(3673)]  [View PDF 375.88 K (1562)]   [HTML]
Relation between callus growth speed and somatic embryogenesis of citrus
  2010(5):682-685 [Abstract(3956)]  [View PDF 334.83 K (1594)]   [HTML]
Study on regeneration system from callus of Rehmannia chingii falbiflora
  MA DanDan, XIA GuoHua, JIN FeiFei, LI GenYou
  2010(5):686-690 [Abstract(4090)]  [View PDF 396.36 K (1537)]   [HTML]