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不同罗汉果杂交品系花粉数量和发芽率的比较研究 |
覃嘉明1,2, 岑秀芬1, 韦鹏霄1*, 马小军3*, 莫长明3
1.广西大学 农学院, 南宁 530005;2.广西玉米研究所, 南宁 530227;3.广西壮族自治区药用植物园, 南宁 530023
摘要: |
检测和比较了源于3种杂交方式的26个罗汉果雄株品系及4个亲本对照品种的花粉量和花粉发芽率,结果表明:11个近交品系间的花粉量和花粉发芽率均存在着显著差异,花粉量最高的是长滩果T-24品系(3.76×104),花粉发芽率最高的是青皮果Q-11品系(90.3%); 12个单交品系及4个亲本对照品种之间在花粉量上有所不同,而在花粉发芽率上差异较大,大部分达显著或极显著水平; 3个双交品系与2个亲本对照品种在花粉量上有极显著的差异,K2-85品系的花粉量明显高于两个亲本对照品种; 3种杂交方式所得品系的平均值比较,花粉量高低顺序为双交(3.45×104)>单交(3.12×104)>近交(2.75×104),花粉发芽率高低顺序为单交(58.2%)>近交(46.9%)>双交(34.5%)。因此不仅选择出较好的杂交雄株于生产上应用是可行的,而且还有可能获得天然败育雄株用于培育无籽罗汉果。 |
关键词: 罗汉果 杂交品系 杂交方式 花粉量 花粉发芽率 |
DOI: |
分类号:Q945.6 |
Fund project: |
Study on the pollen amount and germinating capacity of different hybrid lines of Siraitia grosvenorii |
QIN Jia-Ming1,2, CEN Xiu-Fen1, WEI Peng-Xiao1*,
MA Xiao-Jun3*, MO Chang-Ming3
1.College of Agriculture,Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, China;2.Guangxi Maize Research Institute,
Nanning 530227, China;3.Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants, Nanning 530023, China
Abstract: |
Pollen amount and germinating capacity of 4 parent varieties and related 26 Siraitia grosvenorii male lines which originated from 3 crossing methods were dertimined and compared. The results indicated that:there was significant difference on the pollen amount and germinating capacity of 11 self-cross lines,among which T-24 line had the most pollen amount(3.76×104)and Q-11 line showed the highest germinating capacity(90.3%); among the 12 single cross lines and the 4 parent varieties there existed some difference of the pollen amount and significant or very significant difference of the germinating capacity; and the 3 double cross lines showed signicant difference comparing to the parent varieties on the pollen amount,that of K2-85 was higher than that of the 2 parent varieties. While comparing the average number of 3 hybrid methods,the order of the pollen amount was:double cross(3.45×104)>single cross(3.12×104)>self cross(2.75×104).The order of the germinating capacity was:single cross(58.2%)>self cross(46.9%)>double cross(34.5%). So it's not only available to select out better S.grosvenorii male plants for production application,but also it's possible to obtain naturally pollen-abortive male plants for the breeding of seedless S.grosvenorii. |
Key words: Siraitia grosvenorii hybrid line hybrid type pollen amount pollen germinating capacity. |