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牛大力淀粉酶基因家族的生物信息学分析 |
涂冬萍1,2,3, 王柳萍1, 赵立春1,2, 黄志其1, 翟勇进4, 白隆华4, 莫长明5*
1. 广西中医药大学, 南宁 530200;2. 广西壮瑶药工程技术中心, 南宁 530200;3. 广西中医药大学 农作物废弃物功能成分研究协同
创新中心, 南宁 530023;4. 广西药用植物园, 南宁 530023;5. 广西作物遗传改良生物技术重点开放实验室, 南宁 530007
摘要: |
该文基于不膨大和膨大的牛大力根的转录组测序结果,采用生物信息学技术对筛选到的28 个牛大力淀粉酶基因进行分析。结果表明:28 个牛大力淀粉酶相关蛋白基因编码的氨基酸序列分子量为20.78~349.39 KDa; 均为酸性蛋白部分; 部分亚细胞定位在叶绿体; 具有PLN02784 super family、AmyAc-family super family结构域; 二级结构中除MsAm1、MsAm7、MsAm8、MsAm15、MsAm16、MsAm22、MsAm23、MsAm28中α螺旋占比最大外,无规则卷曲的比例最大; 三级结构预测具有α淀粉酶结构、β淀粉酶结构、异淀粉酶结构等; 淀粉酶基因家族共有86 个作用元件,MsAm9的作用元件最多(42 个); 系统发育树表明MsAm15、MsAm16归于1 类,且均具有motif 2、motif 3、motif 7,MsAm4、MsAm24、MsAm26归于1 类,与拟南芥淀粉酶进行比对,AtBM4和MsAm6归为一类,AtAM2和MsAm2归为一类,AtBM8和MsAm5归为一类,AtBM4和MsAm6归为一类,AtAM10和MsAm22归为一类,AtIM3和MsAm17归为一类。这些分析结果可为今后深入研究28 个牛大力淀粉酶的生物学功能和调控机制提供一定的理论依据,为牛大力根部膨大的研究及品种的改良提供参考。 |
关键词: 词: 牛大力, 转录组, 淀粉酶基因家族, 理化特性 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201909012 |
分类号:Q949 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2020)09-1288-12 |
Fund project:广西自然科学基金项目(2017GXNSFBA198094); 广西教育厅中青年教师基础能力提升项目(2017KY495); 广西中医药大学校级科研项目(2016QN013); 杨世林教授团队人才培养建设项目(YSL17026); 广西中医药大学中药学优势学科建设专项课题; 广西农作物废弃物功能成分研究协同创新中心项目(CICAR 2016-P4); 广西农业科学院科技发展基金项目(桂农科2018JZ3)[Supported by Program of Guangxi Natural Science Foundation(2017GXNSFBA198094); Program of Promoting Basic Ability of Young and Middle-aged Teachers of Guangxi Education Department(2017KY495); Program of University-level Scientific Research of Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(2016QN013); Program of Team Talent Training of Professor Yang Shilin(YSL17026); Construction Speciality of Advantage Discipline of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Project; Program of the Center for Cooperative Innovation of Research on Functional Components of Crop Waste in Guangxi(CICAR 2016-P4); Program of Science and Technology Development Fund of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences(Guikenong 2018JZ3)]。 |
Bioinformatics analysis of amylase gene family of Millettia speciosa |
TU Dongping1, 2,3, WANG Liuping1, ZHAO Lichun 1,2, HUANG Zhiqi1,
ZHAI Yongjin4, BAI Longhua4, MO Changming5*
1. Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530200, China;2. Guangxi Zhuang Yao Pharmaceutical Engineering Center,
Nanning 530200, China;3. Collaborative Innovation Center of Research on Functional ingredients from Agricultural Residues of Guangxi
University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530200, China;4. Medical Botanical of Guangxi, Nanning 530023, China;5. Guangxi Crop Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology Lab, Nanning 530007, China
Abstract: |
In order to lay the foundation for revealing the growth and development law and screening the genes related to root expansion by studying the biological activity of the amylase gene family of Millettia speciosa. Based on the transcriptome sequencing results of non-enlarged and enlarged root of M. speciosa, 28 daphnia magna amylase genes were screened by bioinformatics technology. The results showed that the molecular weights of amino acid sequences encoded by 28 amylase-related protein genes ranged from 20.78 to 349.39 KDa. They were all acidic proteins, some of the subcellular localization was in chloroplast. They had PLN02784 super family and AmyAc-family super family conserved domains. The proportion of random coil in the secondary structure was the largest excluded from MsAm1, MsAm7, MsAm8, MsAm15, MsAm16, MsAm22, MsAm23 and MsAm28. Tertiary structure prediction showed that the amylase of M. speciosa contained α-amylase structure, β-amylase structure, and isoamylase structure. Amylase gene family had 86 functional elements, and MsAm9 had the most functional elements(42). The phylogenetic tree showed that MsAm15, MsAm16 belonged to the same category and had motif 2, motif 3, motif 7, and MsAm4, MsAm24, MsAm26 belonged to the other same category. Compared to Arabidopsis thaliana anylase, AtBM4 and MsAm6, AtAM2 and MsAm2, AtBM8 and MsAm5, AtBM4 and MsAm6, AtAM10 and MsAm22, AtIM3 and MsAm17 belonged to the same category, respectively. These results could provide a theoretical basis for the further study of biological functions and regulation mechanism of 28 M. speciosa amylase, and provide a reference for the study of root enlargement and improvement of M. speciosa amylase varieties. |
Key words: Millettia speciosa, transcription group, amylase gene family, physicochemical characteristics |