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国家植物园植物文化建设与植物多样性保护和管理 |
李飞飞1,2, 罗斌圣2,3, 崔 夏1, 龙春林2,4,5*
1. 北京市植物园管理处, 北京 100093;2. 中央民族大学 生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081;3. 江西省中国科学院
庐山植物园, 江西 庐山 332900;4. 民族地区生态环境国家民委重点实验室(中央民族大学),
北京 100081;5. 中央民族大学国家安全研究院, 北京 100081
摘要: |
生物文化对生物多样性保护具有重要意义,植物园的形成和发展在历史长河中处处体现着人类因物质和精神需求而形成的植物文化。现代植物园在植物迁地保护上虽然做出了卓越贡献,但其植物文化的建设稍显滞后。在全球生物多样性保护工作的开展过程中,传统文化对生物多样性保护和生物资源可持续利用的重要作用越来越被重视。在此背景下,该文探讨了生物文化多样性和生物多样性之间紧密联系、共同演化的关系,回顾了早期植物园和我国古典园林中植物文化的体现; 通过对全球3 085个现代植物园主要功能的分析,发现开展了民族植物学研究的植物园占比7.36%,开展了保护生物学研究的植物园占比11.18%,制定了植物保护计划的占比17.18%,从而揭示了现代植物园保护功能的提升和文化功能的弱化。基于当前植物园植物多样性有效保护中对植物文化建设的需求,该文进一步分析了我国植物园植物文化建设的不足,主要包括:(1)植物物种多样性信息中植物文化信息数据不足;(2)对生物多样性保护中传统知识惠益分享的考虑欠缺;(3)缺少以文化展现植物多样性的主题园。在此基础上,该文聚焦国家植物园植物多样性保护和管理的目标,从植物多样性保护和利用、惠益共享、公众参与3个层面对国家植物园体系中的植物文化建设提出了建议,以期为我国建设具有中国生态文明特色的国家植物园体系提供参考。 |
关键词: 植物文化, 传统知识, 民族植物学, 惠益分享, 国家植物园 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202303039 |
分类号:Q948 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)08-1383-09 |
Fund project:国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(31761143001); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870316); 中央民族大学项目(2023GJAQ09, 2022ZDPY10); 北京市财政项目(11000022T000000440602)。 |
Plant culture construction and plant diversity protection and management in the China national botanical garden |
LI Feifei1,2, LUO Binsheng2,3, CUI Xia1, LONG Chunlin2,4,5*
1. Beijing Botanical Garden, Beijing 100093, China;2. College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081,
China;3. Lushan Botanical Garden, Jiangxi Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lushan 332900, Jiangxi, China;4. Key Laboratory
of Ecology and Environment in Minority Areas (Minzu University of China), National Ethnic Affairs Commission of China,
Beijing 100081, China;5. Institute of National Security, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract: |
Biological culture is of great significance to the conservation of biodiversity. The formation and development of botanical gardens have reflected the plant culture which formed by human beings due to material and spiritual needs in history. Modern botanical gardens have made outstanding achievements in plant ex-situ protection, while the plant culture construction is still a little insufficient. In the process of global biodiversity conservation, the important roles of traditional culture in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological resources have been increasingly valued. At this background, this study emphasized the close connection and co-evolution relationship between biocultural diversity and biodiversity, and reviewed the implication of plant culture in early botanical gardens and Chinese classical gardens. And through the analysis of the main functions of 3 085 modern botanical gardens around the world, we found that only 7.36% of botanical gardens carried out ethnobotanical research, while 11.18% carried out conservation biology research, and 17.18% worked out a plant conservation programme, which revealed the improvement of the protection function and the weakening of the cultural function of modern botanical gardens. Based on the demand for the construction of plant culture in the effective protection of plant diversity in the current botanical garden, this study further analyzed the deficiencies of plant culture construction in botanical gardens in China, including:(1)insufficient plant culture information data in plant species diversity information;(2)lack of consideration of benefit-sharing of traditional knowledge in biodiversity conservation;(3)lack of theme parks that display plant diversity with culture. Focused on the goal of plant diversity conservation and management in the China national botanical garden, we put forward the following suggestions on plant culture construction in the China national botanical garden system from three aspects, in order to provide a reference for the construction of a national botanical garden system with the characteristics of Chinese ecological civilization. Plant diversity protection and utilization: to strengthen the consideration of plant culture in the construction of plant diversity information and germplasm resource bank, encourage ethnobotanical research. Benefit-sharing: to establish access and benefit-sharing(ABS)standard procedures covering traditional knowledge to ensure fair and equitable benefit-sharing. Public participation: to consider display the regionality and uniqueness in China national botanical garden, and add ethnic plant culture theme parks or exhibition halls. |
Key words: plant culture, traditional knowledge, ethnobotany, benefit-sharing, China national botanical garden |