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华南国家植物园植物引种及迁地保育 |
谢 丹1,2, 张奕奇1,2, 任 海1,2,3, 宁祖林1,2*, 廖景平1,2
1. 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650;2. 华南国家植物园, 广州 510650;3. 中国科学院大学 现代农业科学学院, 北京 100049
摘要: |
基于华南国家植物园的植物引种和存活记录,该文分析了其植物引种、存活以及专类园物种保育情况。结果如下:(1)自1956年以来,共引种维管植物19 154种99亚种136变种(80 597号),隶属325科3 952属,现存活11 581种52亚种80变种(24 352号),隶属290科2 777属; 引种记录涉及国家重点保护野生植物565种(现存活421种),覆盖了华南地区国家一级重点保护野生植物物种的94.7%(36/38,存活29种)、国家二级重点保护野生植物物种的76.4%(269/352,存活229种)以及受威胁植物物种的54.3%(547/1 008,存活414种)。(2)从引种地域来看,引自广东的植物最多(7 193号2 523种),其次主要为海南(3 658号1 593种)、广西(4 744号1 559种)等周边省份,另通过与全球61个国家的引种交换,获取了一些同纬度区域的珍贵植物资源。(3)木兰园等17个以植物类群为单位进行迁地保育的专类园区在引种数量及存活率方面整体处于较高的水平。(4)物种存活数量和引种频次相关性极显著(r = 0.85***)。(5)华南地区自然分布物种的引种存活率高于其他地区。未来,华南国家植物园在植物迁地保护工作中应注意:(1)在调查、编目、评估和研究的基础上,强化热带亚热带地区珍稀濒危植物、本土植物和经济植物的引种收集,进一步提高迁地保护的数量和质量;(2)建立华南地区植物迁地保护网络体系,有效保护区域内植物多样性;(3)进一步完善迁地保育基础设施建设和提高信息化管理水平以提升迁地保护效率;(4)加强国际科研合作和物种交换。 |
关键词: 植物园, 迁地保护, 维管植物, 植物引种, 存活 |
DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw202304013 |
分类号:Q94-339 |
文章编号:1000-3142(2023)08-1392-12 |
Fund project:广东省重点领域研发计划资助项目(2022B1111230001, 2022B1111040003)。 |
Plant introduction and ex-situ conservation in South China National Botanical Garden |
XIE Dan1,2, ZHANG Yiqi1,2, REN Hai1,2,3, NING Zulin1,2*, LIAO Jingping1,2
1. South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;2. South China National Botanical Garden,
Guangzhou 510650, China;3. College of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract: |
Based on the analysis of introduction and survival records, this paper reports the status of introduction, survival, and ex-situ conservation of plant species in the South China National Botanical Garden(SCNBG). The results are as follows:(1)A total of 19 154 species, 99 subspecies and 136 varieties(80 597 accession numbers)of vascular plants belonging to 325 families and 3 952 genera have been introduced since 1956, of which 11 581 species, 52 subspecies and 80 varieties(24 352 accession number)belonging to 290 families and 2 777 genera are surviving currently; the introduction records include 565 species of National Key Protected Wild Plants(421 species survived), covering 94.7%(36/38)of the first-class National Key Protected Wild Plants(29 species survived), 76.4%(269/352)of the second-class National Key Protected Wild Plants(229 species survived), and 54.3%(547/1 008)threatened species(414 species survived)in South China.(2)The most species are introduced from Guangdong Province(7 193 accession numbers, 2 523 species), followed by Hainan Province(3 658 accession numbers, 1 593 species), Guangxi Province(4 744 accession numbers, 1 559 species)and other surrounding provinces; the SCNBG has obtained some precious plant resources from the same latitude regions by introducing and exchanging species with 61 countries around the world.(3)17 specialized gardens for ex-situ conservation based on plant taxa(e. g. Magnolia Garden)show a high level in terms of introduction quantity and survival rate.(4)The correlation between the number of surviving species and the frequency of introduction is extremely significant(r = 0.85***).(5)The survival rate of introduced species distributed naturally in South China is higher than that in other provinces. In the future, the SCNBG needs to strengthen the ex-situ conservation of plants through following points:(1)On the basis of investigation, cataloguing, evaluation and research, strengthening the introduction and collection of rare and endangered plants, native plants and economically important plants in tropical and subtropical regions, further improving the quantity and quality of ex-situ conservation;(2)Establishing an ex-situ conservation network system for plants in South China to effectively protect plant diversity in this region;(3)Improving the infrastructure construction and information management level of ex-situ conservation for higher efficiency;(4)Enhancing international scientific research cooperation and species exchange. |
Key words: botanical garden, ex-situ conservation, vascular plants, plant introduction, survival |