Page 123 - 《广西植物》2023年第10期
P. 123
10 期 车金凤等: 罗布麻和大麻状罗布麻 UV ̄B 光受体 UVR8 基因的鉴定及表达分析 1 8 7 7
( 1. Breeding Base for State Key Laboratory of Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration in Northwest Chinaꎬ Ningxia Universityꎬ Yinchuan
750021ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystems in Northwest Chinaꎬ Ministry of Educationꎬ
Ningxia Universityꎬ Yinchuan 750021ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. School of Ecological Environmentꎬ Ningxia Universityꎬ Yinchuan 750021ꎬ China )
Abstract: In the processes of plants response to UV ̄Bꎬ the UV ̄B photoreceptor UVR8 (UV Resistance Locus 8) plays
an important role in the regulation of photomorphogenesisꎬ growth and metabolism of plants. To investigate the UV ̄B
photoreceptors of Apocynum plantꎬ this study is conducted to screen and bioinformatically analyze the UV ̄B
photoreceptors UVR8 by the whole genome data of Apocynum venetum and A. cannabinumꎬ and also to analyze the UVR8
gene expression pattern under UV ̄B stress treatment using transcriptome data. The results were as follows: (1) There
were six UVR8 genes in A. venetumꎬ and five UVR8 genes in A. cannabinum. The former was distributed on chromosomes
1ꎬ 7ꎬ 9 and 11ꎬ and the latter on chromosomes 1ꎬ 8 and 9. (2) UVR8 proteins were all hydrophilic stable proteinsꎬ
localized in the nucleusꎬ without transmembrane structure or signal peptides. The secondary structure consists mainly of
extended strandꎬ random coilꎬ alpha helix and beta turn. The tertiary structures of AvUVR8b and AcUVR8a were most
similar to that of Arabidopsis thaliana and were most closely related to Coffea arabica (CaUVR8) and C. eugenioides
(CeUVR8). The gene and protein structures of Apocynum venetum AvUVR8b and A. cannabinum AcUVR8a were highly
similar to those of AtUVR8. (3) The expression levels of AvUVR8b and AcUVR8a were up ̄regulated when the two
 ̄2  ̄1
Apocynum plants were treated with a certain dose of UV ̄B (17.52 kJm d ). It is speculated that in response to
UV ̄Bꎬ the AvUVR8b in A. venetum and the AcUVR8a in A. cannabinum play a major roleꎬ respectively. (4) The analysis
of cis ̄acting elements showed that the expression of UVR8 was regulated by lightꎬ temperatureꎬ moistureꎬ oxygen and
hormones. This study will lay a foundation for further research on the gene function of UVR8 in Apocynumꎬ and provide
clues to analyze the molecular mechanism of UV ̄B adaptation in the Apocynum.
Key words: Apocynum venetumꎬ A. cannabinumꎬ UVR8 geneꎬ expression analysisꎬ bioinformatics analysis
太阳光不仅是光合作用的能量来源ꎬ也是调 UVR8 为 感 受 UV ̄B 的 特 异 性 光 受 体 ( Rizzini et
控植物生长发育、昼夜节律、代谢物合成等的重要 al.ꎬ 2011)ꎮ 目前ꎬ对 UVR8 结构和功能研究在拟
环境 因 子 ( Frohnmeyer & Staigerꎬ 2003ꎻ Jenkinsꎬ 南芥中进行的较多ꎬ研究结果表明ꎬUVR8 蛋白为
2014aꎬb)ꎮ 紫外线(ultravioletꎬ UV)作为太阳光的 盐桥链接的同源二聚体结构ꎬ其单体由 7 个片状
组成部分ꎬ按其波长可分为 长 波 紫 外 线 ( UV ̄Aꎬ 结构首尾相连的 β 螺旋纵向排列围成的环形结构
320 ~ 400 nm)ꎬ中波紫外线( UV ̄Bꎬ 280 ~ 320 nm) (Christie et al.ꎬ 2012ꎻ鲍思元ꎬ2016)ꎮ 高度保守的
和短波紫外线( UV ̄Cꎬ 100 ~ 280 nm) ( 刘明雪等ꎬ UVR8 色氨酸残基(W)具有维持其蛋白结构稳定ꎬ
2012ꎻ陈慧泽等ꎬ2021)ꎮ UV ̄A 可穿过大气层直接 接收和传递 UV ̄B 信号等功能( Jenkinsꎬ 2014aꎻ张
到达地表ꎬ但不会对生物造成显著影响ꎻUV ̄C 可 宏江等ꎬ2019ꎻLi et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎬAtUVR8 直接通过
使大部分植物迅速死亡ꎬ但因其波长较短和穿透 其 W233 和 W258 接收 UV ̄B 而无需借助其他辅助
率差等因素ꎬ在到达地表之前就已被大气层吸收ꎻ 因子作为发色团(Rizziniꎬ 2011ꎻO′Hara & Jenkinsꎬ
UV ̄B 大部分可被臭氧层吸收ꎬ作为生物有效辐射 2012ꎻ Jenkinsꎬ 2014bꎻ Yang et al.ꎬ 2018)ꎮ 当植
的 UV ̄B 具有双重效应ꎮ 高强度 UV ̄B 是逆境胁 株未照射 UV ̄B 时ꎬUVR8 以二聚体形式存在于细
迫因子ꎬ破坏细胞的 DNA、蛋白质和脂类等生物大 胞质ꎻ照射 UV ̄B 时ꎬ其盐桥断裂形成单体并转移
分子ꎬ甚至导致植物死亡ꎻ低强度 UV ̄B 是细胞信 到细胞核(Wu et al.ꎬ 2012) 与解离自 CUL4 ̄DDB1
号传导的调控因子ꎬ对植物的光形态建成和代谢 (cullin4 damaged DNA binding protein 1) E3 泛素
等生理过程具有重要作用( Frohnmeyer & Staigerꎬ 连 接 酶 的 COP1 ̄SPA ( constitutively photomor ̄
2003ꎻShamala et al.ꎬ 2020)ꎮ phogenic 1 ̄suppressor of phyA ̄105 ) 形 成 UVR8 ̄
早在 2002 年筛选对 UV ̄B 超敏感的拟南芥突 COP1 ̄SPA 新复合体( Rizziniꎬ 2011ꎻHuang et al.ꎬ
变 体 ( uvr8 ̄1 ) 中 鉴 定 到 了 光 受 体 UVR8 2013ꎻ Vanesa et al.ꎬ 2019)ꎬ 从 而 减 少 COP1 对
( Kliebenstein et al.ꎬ 2002 )ꎬ 并 于 2011 年 证 实 HY5(Long Hypocotyl 5)的降解( Huangꎬ 2013)ꎬ同